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Odpowiedzi opublikowane przez Glory

  1. Blad wiadomosci oznacza ze blednie wpisujesz tresc smsa, raczej nie ma innej opcji, ew zadzwon do operatora i zapytaj czy nie masz tej blokady na premium bo standardowo chyba jest na 35zl ustawiana.

  2. PaySafeCard Donate

    Istnieje mozliwosc doladowania Gold Creditow za pomoca kodu paysafecard.

    Przelicznik creditow:

    20zl = 800 Gold Credits
    30zl = 1200 Gold Credits
    50zl = 2000 Gold Credits
    100zl = 4200 Gold Credits
    200zl = 9600 Gold Credits

    Aby doladowac konto za pomoca kodu PSC nalezy napisac do mnie
    prywatna wiadomosc poprzez ticket lub messenger i podac:


    KOD PSC (PIN):







    Zakladajac konto na naszym serwerze potwierdzasz, ze zapoznales sie z niniejszym regulaminem oraz regulaminem kar dostepnym na forum (odnosnik nizej). Nieznajomosc regulaminu nie upowaznia cie do jego lamania oraz nieprzestrzegania.




    1. Postanowienia ogolne:

    1. Serwerem zarzadzaja Administratorzy oraz Game Masterzy. Nalezy bezwzglednie dostosowywac sie do ich polecen.

    2. Sklad administracji stanowi: Glory, Julka . Sklad Game Masterow to: -------. Do nich nalezy sie zwracac, jezeli masz problem przeszkadzajcy lub uniemozliwiajacy normalna gre.

    3. Panuje ogolna zasada, ze Administrator ma ZAWSZE RACJE. Od decyzji GameMastera mozna sie odwolac tylko do Administratora.

    4. Administratorzy i Game Masterzy wymagaja szacunku od graczy, wiec zabronione jest ublizanie i obrazanie tymze osobom. Jest to karane blokada postaci i konta.

    5. Kazda forma dzialania na szkode serwer, jego reputacji itp (umieszczanie filmikow, zdjec itp), bedzie konczyla sie dozywotnim banem 100% na forum i w grze.

    6. Forum oraz Teamspeak to integralna czesci serwera. Kazdy powinien posiadac tam konto. Beda umieszczane tak informacje na temat serwera, forum oraz teamspeaka.

    7. Game Masterzy maja prawo banowac postac i konto na 24 godziny za zalamanie regulaminu. Blokada jest do czasu wyjasnienia sprawy i podjecia decyzji przez Administracje. Game Masterzy musza posiadac screenshoty na wine danej osoby, lecz nie musi byc na nich widoczne pelne okno rozmowy itp. Nie ma mozliwosci odwolania sie od decyzji Game Mastera, poniewaz ostateczna decyzje i tak podejmuje Administracja.


    2. Zasady gry:

    1. Serwer War Of Glory Medium podzielony jest na 4 suby:[PvP], [NoNPvP], [VIP], [CS].

    2. Nalezy dostosowac sie do zasad panujacych na danym subie (opisane niezej).

    3. Nick postaci nie moze zawiera zwrotow wulgarnych, obrazliwych, rasistowskich, nazistowskich, faszystowskich i innych niezgodnych z polskim prawem. To samo tyczy sie podczas zakadania zgromadzen grupowych (inaczej nazywanych gildi).

    4. Nick postaci nie moze zawierac znakow specjalnych (~!@#$%^;*()_+`-=[];\\\\\";?) oraz polskich znakow grozi to blokada calego konta.

    5. Na serwerze obowiazuje zakaz przeklinania, oraz obrazania i wyzywania innych graczy. Wyzywanie w gildi i sojuszu nie jest karane, tego typu sprawy rozwiazuje Alliance Master lub Guild Master. Wyzwiska/przeklenstwa oraz obrazy na PM (private message) podlegaja karze !!!

    6. Uzywanie wszelkiej masci programow ulatwiajacych nielegalna rozgrywke (cheatow) jest kategorycznie zabronione.

    7. AFK (Away from Keyboard) jest zakazane, lecz sprawdzac je moze tylko administracja serwera oraz game masterzy. Gracz moze zrobic z postacia nieaktywna wszystko (zabic, przesunac, itp.). Gracz musi posiadac dowody (screenshoty) na AFK drugiej osoby (minimum 2 ss z odstepem 30 sekund z ss na temat suba (pod klawiszem \"C\") oraz rozwinietym pelnym oknem rozmowy), tylko po to aby uniknac ewentualnej kary za PK. W przypadku przylapania gracza na afk przez administracje / game mastera (brak odpowiedzi na zadane pytania), gracz dostanie disconnect. Za AFK kara wynosi 20% warna. Kolejne przylapania sumuja warny. Kolejne blokady zgodnie z tabela kar dostepna w regualminie kar.

    8. Zabronione jest powolywanie sie na znajomosc z Administratorem lub GameMasterem w kazdej sytuacji.

    9. Ataki na serwer (DDoS, SQL Injection, ataki pakietowe) beda karane zablokowaniem adresu IP lub calego zakresu adresow lub HWID.

    10. Nalezy powiadamiac Administratorow o sytuacjach nadzwyczajnych lub krytycznych dla serwera lub gry na nim.

    11. Eventy : Chaos Castle, Illusion Temple, Castle Siege sa to eventy PVP, mozna na nich zabijac bez zadnych konsekwencji. Mapa VULCANUS to mapa PVP mozna zabijac na kazdym subie bez zadnych konsekwencji.

    12. Zakazane jest nabijanie sobie punktow Gens na noobach. Podlega karze do 30 dni blokady oraz odjecia punktow gens.

    13. Zakladajac postac nalezy uzyc nicku, ktory nie jest podobny do nicku administracji czy tez game mastera w przeciwnym wypadku taka postac zostanie zbanowana, a itemy oraz resy przepadna.

    14. Administracja ma prawo do blokowania kont zgodnie z regulaminem kar. Ma prawo do banowania kont bez wzgledu na to czy przewinienie ujete jest w regulaminie kar, do ktorego odnosnik znajduje sie na dole.

    15. Administracja moze wprowadzic poprawki do tego regulaminu bez podania przyczyny.

    16. Pomowienia na administracje / game masterow / bez dowodow beda konczyly sie blokada konta na 30 dni. Oskarzony ma 24 godziny na dostarczenie nie zbitych dowodow na jego prawdomownosc. Pomowienia w grze beda karanem banem w grze i na forum. Pomowienia na TS beda karane blokada TS, forum oraz w grze. Pomowienia na forum beda karane blokada forum oraz w grze. Pomowienia na graczy beda traktowane jako obraza, i egzekwowane zgodnie z regulaminem kar.

    17. Wszelkie reklamowanie innych serwisow, serwerow muonline, for, bez zgody administracji konczy sie banem dozywotnim na konto (w grze).

    18. Administracja ma prawo do zmiany ustawien i konfiguracji serwera w kazdej chwili, nawet podczas trwania edycji.


    2a. Sub PvP, NoNPvP oraz VIP:

    1. SubPvP - PK na tym subie jest wlaczone i dozwolone bez jakichkolwiek restrykcji, rowniez na golden mobach, selupanie, kundunie, nightmare, mayahands, medusa. Na subie NoNPvP oraz VIP PK mozliwe tylko na mapach Battle.

    2. KS jest dozwolone bez jakichkolwiek restrykcji.

    3. Gracz moze wejsc na spot czyjegos gracza i go przejac bez zadnych konsekwencji [ regulaminowych ].

    4. Na subie obowizuja paragrafy z artykulu nr 2.


    2b. CS:

    1. Player Killer (w skrocie PK) jest na tym subie zabronione. Wyjatek stanowi jedynie event Castle Siege oraz Loren Deep.

    2. Player Killer (w skrocie PK) na Crywolf Evencie jest zakazane.

    3. Player Killer (w skrocie PK) na Deep Evencie jest dozwolone.

    4. Player Killer (w skrocie PK) w Barrack oraz w Refuge jest zakazane.

    5. Calkowity zakaz KS, dozwolone tylko na crywolf event, deep event, mapach refuge oraz barakach.

    6. Na subie obowizuja paragrafy z artykulu nr 2.


    3. Postanowienia koncowe:

    1. Panuje ogolna zasada ze administrator ma zawsze racje.

    2. Nie zglaszenie podejrzanej sytuacji moze spowodowac trwale szkody na serwerze.

    3. Za wielokrotne lamanie regulaminu gracz moze zostac wyproszony na zawsze z serwera.

    4. Nazwa postaci nie moze zawierac znakow specjalnych.

    5. Na serwerze obowiazuje calkowity ZAKAZ HANDLU KONTAMI / ITEMAMI / CREDITAMI / Silver, Gold Coinami, Platinum / PUNKTAMI DO XSHOPa w zamian za korzysci majatkowe !!! Tematy sprzedazy beda kasowane, natomiast konta banowane dozywotnio.

    6. Nie bierzemy odpowiedzialnosci za handel itemami (w grze)!!! Czy to za kody sms czy to za inne profity. Jedyna pewnosc masz u nas, a my nie bierzemy odpowiedzialnosci za oszustow !!!

    7. Nie bierzemy odpowiedzialnosci za wasze konta. Uwazajcie komu podajecie passy. Uzywajcie mocnych hasel oraz systemu /lock !!! Sprawcy wyludzen, podszywan sie beda banowani dozywotnio.

    8. Wykorzystywanie bugow, luk w grze, luk na www dla wlasnych korzysci i nie informowanie o tym Administracji grozi kasacja konta !!!

    9. Nie ponosimy odpowiedzialno\u015bci za skradzione itemy ( jezeli dajesz je do ulepszenia komus na vipie Ty ponosisz za nie odpowiedzialnosc). Rowniez itemy ktore zostana dane w trade nie beda zwracane, lecz jezeli kradziez byla oczywista i znajdziemy to w logach mozemy zwrocic itemy tylko te, ktore nie wyciekly na serwer i ktore jestesmy w stanie zlokalizowac. Zlodziej zostanie dozywonio zbanowany.

    10. Administracja ma prawo do zmian w regulaminie oraz w ustawieniach serwera, bez uprzedniego informowania o tym graczy. Prosze pilnowac regulaminu we wlasnym zakresie.

    11. Administracja nie wymienia itemow nabytych w webshopie. Nalezy uwazac to co sie bierze. Jezeli sie pomyliles masz nauczke na przyszlosc.

    12. Zaleca sie uwazanie o swoje konto a przede wszystkim nie dzielenie sie z nikim jego haslem. Jezli dajesz komus haslo rownoczesnie dajesz mu wszelkie prawa do tego konta. Skargi na domniemane kradzieze w takich sytacjach nie bed\u0105 rozstzygane.

    13. Regulamin wchodzi w zycie dnia 26.09.2018r.

    14. Konta na serwerze naleza do administracji serwera !!! w kazdej chwili mamy prawo zmienic wam haslo po to, aby sprawdzic wasze konto. Haslo oczywiscie bedziecie mogli odzyskac po kontakcie z nami poprzez mail: Administracja w takim wypadku musi zweryfikowac czy konto na ktorym zmienili haslo nalezy do osoby ktora wysle maila. W tym celu moze zadac kilka pytan dotyczacych konta. Po prawidlowej weryfikacji konto zostanie odbanowane. Jezeli administracja wykryje jakies nie prawidlowosci ma prawo bezwzglednie dozywotnio zablokowac konto.

    15. Kazdy Gracz odpowiada za wlasne konto (gra, forum, teamspeak) jak i wszystkie dzialania podjete na tymze koncie bezpieczestwo (trudne hasla, loginy...), zachowanie i kultura na serwerze itp.). Jezli na danym koncie regulamin zostanie zlamany to poci\u0105gniety do odpowiedzialnozci bedzie wlasciciel konta.

    16. Uzywanie Guardian patcha oraz kazdych innych dodatkow do clienta ( patche zmieniajace wyglad itp) nie wydanych przez ekipe War of Glory na serwerze jest ZAKAZANE !!! Uzywanie grozi trwalym zbanowaniem konta.

    17. W kazdej chwili moga zdarzyc sie awarie serwera, offy, przerwy itp. Adminsitracja nie bedzie zwracac wszelkich profitow, ktore w tym czasie przepadaja. W razie awarii dluzszej niz 48 godzin, po starcie serwera zostana przedluzone vipy o czas offa.

    18. Administracja serwera nie zwraca itemow, ktore znikna podczas skanowania programem do sprawdzania dupowanych itemow. Znikaja zarowno oryginalne jak i kopiowane, poniewaz nie jestesmy w stanie stwierdzic ktora to kopia ! Poza tym osoba, ktora daje taki set doskonale o tym wie do czego zostal wykorzystany. Nie pozyczac to nic sie nie stanie, nie bedziemy tego tolerowac. Nie bedzie mozliwosci zwrotu itemow, ktore znikna !

    19. Administracja ma prawo do kasowania itemow (nawet jezeli zostaly one sprzedane w grze, nie beda oddawane zadne roszczenia osobie ktora kupila dany item), jezeli wynikly jakies niescislosci z platnoscia.

    20. Administracja nie odpowiada za straty wyrzadzone przez bugi (straty itemow, postraci, depozytow itp). Bugi takie zostana najszybciej jak sie da zgloszone do firmy zajmujacej sie kodowaniem plikow serwerowych. Nie mamy wplywu na termin poprawy.

    21. Off-Trade (dziala na mapie DEVIAS tylko na subie PVP)- w przypadku zrobienia sklepu, ktory bedzie niezgodny z prawda (np: tytul sklepu: sprzedaz za zen), taka osoba otrzymuje 100% warna, co skutkuje dozywotnia blokada konta.


    4. Regulamin Donate:

    1. Wszystkie platnosci na serwer sa swiadome i dobrowolne. Przed dokonaniem platnosci dobrze sie zastanow, pieniadze nie beda zwracane. Jesli przesylasz darowizne lub pieniadze za posrednictwem naszych stron internetowych zgadzasz sie ze nie bedziesz sie spierac, prosic o czesciowy lub pelny zwrot pieniedzy.

    Kupujacemu przysluguje 14 dniowy zwrot pieniedzy pod warunkiem ze nabyty towar cyfrowy, wirtualny nie zostanie uzyty i wykorzystany. W takim wypadku nalezy skontaktowac sie z nami poprzez email: [email protected]

    2. Platnosci (kredyty) za przelew bankowy, paymentwall, paypal, payu, hotpay, paysafecard i sms, nie beda zwracane w razie resa acc.

    3. Jezeli zlamales regulamin i zostales zablokowany/zbanowany, pieniadze nie zostana ci zwrocone, a wszelkie korzysci zostana trwale zablokowane. Jezeli posiadasz konto VIP, a dostales blokade czas vipa nie zostanie wydluzony.

    4. Serwer w dowolnym momencie moze przestac istniec, platnosci za przelewy bankowe, paymentwall, paypal, payu, hotpay, paysafecard i sms nie beda zwracane.

    5. Wplaty dokonane przelewem, paypalem oraz PayU oddajemy tylko z ostatnich 30 dni (od daty zakonczenia danej edycji), oddajemu oczywiscie gold coiny do webshopa oraz vipy dozywotnie, nie oddajemy pieniedzy !!!. Vipy dozywotnie aktywne sa na kazdej edycji, wyjatek stanowi Sub VIP-GOLD, ktory aktywny jest do czasu wygasniecia oplaconej subskrypcji!!! (w razie offa dłużeszego niz 48 godzin, vip zostanie przedłuzony o czas awarii). Nie zwracamy vipow !!! Wplaty za vipy nie beda zwracane ani w postaci dostepu do vipa, ani w postaci gold coinow. Nie mozna rowniez wymieniac oddanych gold coinow na dostep do subow VIP !

    6. Wplaty za SMS (paymentwall) nie beda zwracane w razie resa acc na kolejnej edycji.

    7. Paypal: Produkty Cyfrowe

    Kupujac produkt z naszej strony zgadzasz sie ze ze wzgledu na charakter produktow sprzedawanych, ktore sa cyfrowe nie ma mozliwosci zwrotu w zadnym wypadku.

    Jezeli nie zgaszasz sie z tym nie przesylaj zadnej platnosci.


    5. Tabela kar:

    Tabela kar znajduje sie na forum serwera w regulaminie kar pod adresem:

    UWAGA !!! Wszelkie proby ominiecia zabezpieczen serwera, uzywania cheatow, wspomagaczy beda konczyc sie dozywotnia blokada konta.

    Zakaz kopiowania i rozpowszechniania regulaminu bez zgody autora.






    Creating account on our server You agree with our rules and system of punishment available in Forum ( Link bottom ). Ignorance regulations dont let you to break and dont follow this rules

    Dont use this same Login and Password. LOGIN AND PASSWORD should be different for safety reasons


    1. GENERAL

    1. Admins and Game Masters manage server . Follow they orders.

    2. Admins : Glory, Julka. Game Masters Squad : ------. You have problem with a game ? Talk to them.

    3. Admin have always right . From Game Master decision you can revoke only to Admins

    4. Admins and Game Master requesting RESPECT from players . Prohibited is offense and insulting this people. It is punished by block Character and account.

    5. Each form of activities to the detriment of the server and his reputation etc. (putting Videos , photos ,ect.) lead to Pernament Ban in Forum and Game.

    6. Forum and Teamspeak is integral part of server . Everyone should have there account . We put informations about Server , Forum and TeamSpeak .

    7. Game Masters have a law to ban Character and Account to 24 hours from braking the Rules .The lock is pending investigation and Admins decision. Game Masters must have ScreenShots to guilty player. You can not revoke from Game Master decision because last decision take Admins.



    1. Server War of Glory Medium have 3 subs: [PvP], [NoNPvP], [VIP], [CS].

    2. Follow the rules on subs ( More info lower ).

    3. Character Name can not contain phrases of vulgar, abusive, racist, Nazi, fascist and other non-compliant with the Polish law. The same is true when zakadania congregations Group (otherwise known as the guild).

    4. Character Name can not contain special characters (~! @ # $% ^; * () _ + `- = []; \" ;?) And Polish characters threatens to lock the entire account.

    5. On the server spaces non-swearing and insults and challenges lie ahead of other players. Name calling in the guild and alliance is not punished, that sort of thing and solve Alliance Master or Guild Master. Insults / curse words and images on the PM (private message) are subject to a penalty !!!

    6. Use any programs that facilitate illegal gameplay (cheat) is strictly forbidden

    7. AFK (Away From Keyboard) is forbidden, but it can check only server administration and GMs. The player can do with a character all inactive (killed, move, etc.). The player must have evidence (screenshots) on AFK other person (minimum 2 ss with a gap of 30 seconds with the command / serverinfo and the expanded full chat window), just to avoid any penalties for PK. If caught afk player in the administrations / game master (no response to the questions), the player gets disconnect. For AFK penalty is 20% warn. Another caught summed warns. Another lock in accordance with the table of penalties available in rules penalties.

    8. It is forbidden to cite the knowledge of the Administrator or gamemaster in every situation.

    9. Attacks on the server (DDOS, SQL injection attacks, Events) will be punished by blocking the IP address or range of addresses or entire HWID.

    10. Administrators should be notified about emergencies or critical server or playing on it.

    11. Events: Chaos Castle, Illusion Temple, Castle Siege events are a PVP, you can kill them without any consequences. Vulcanus map is a map of PVP can kill at every Subie without any consequences.

    12. It is forbidden studded itself points to Gens Noobs. Punishable by up to 30 days block and subtracting points gens.

    13. Create a character must use the nickname, which is not like the nickname administration or game master, otherwise the character will be banned, and Items and periods when lost.

    14. The administration has the right to block accounts in accordance with the rules of penalties. Has the right to ban accounts regardless of whether the offense is included in the rules of penalties, to whose link is at the bottom.

    15. Administration can change these rules without giving a reason.

    16. Slander on administrations / GMs / without evidence will end in account ban for 30 days. Accused have 24 hours to provide not compacted evidence for its truthfulness. Slanders game ban will be punished in the game and in the forum. Slander on TS will be punished lock TS, forum and in the game. Slander on the forum will be punished lock forum and in the game. Slander on the players will be treated as an insult, and enforced in accordance with the rules of penalties.

    17. Any advertising other services, servers muonline, for, without the consent of the government ends ban for life on the account (in the game).

    18. The administration has the right to change the settings and configuration of the server at any time, even during editing.


    2a. Sub PvP, NoNPvP and VIP:

    1. Sub PvP - PK on the Sub is enabled and permitted without any restrictions, also for the golden mobs, selupan, kundun, nightmare, mayahands, medusa. On sub NoNPvP and VIP PK is enabled only on maps Battle.

    2. KS is allowed without any restrictions.

    3. A player can enter on the spot of someone's player and take over it without any consequences [statutory].

    4.On the Sub spaces paragraphs of article 2.


    2b. CS:

    1. Player Killer (abbreviated PK) is the Sub prohibited. The exception is the only event Castle Siege and Loren Deep.

    2. Player Killer (abbreviated to PK) on Crywolf Event is prohibited.

    3. Player Killer (abbreviated to PK) Deep Event is allowed.

    4. Player Killer (abbreviated to PK) in Barrack and Refuge is prohibited.

    5. KS is it prohibited , only allowed to CryWolf event, deep event, maps refuge and barracks.

    6. On the Sub spaces paragraphs of article 2.


    3. Final provisions:

    1. There is a general rule that the administrator is always right.

    2. Do not report the suspicious situation can cause permanent damage to the server.

    3. Repeat breaking the rules a player can become a expelled forever from the server

    4.Character name may not contain special characters.

    5. The server is completely non-TRADE ACCOUNT / ITEMS / CREDITS / Silver, Gold Coins, Platinum / POINTS TO XSHOP in exchange for financial benefits !!! Topics sale will be deleted, and the account banned for lifetime.

    6. We do not take responsibility for trade items (in the game) !!! Is it codes sms whether the other perks. The only certainty you have with us, and we do not take responsibility for cheaters !!!

    7. Do not take responsibility for your account. Beware whom you serve streak. Using strong passwords and system / lock !!! The perpetrators of extortion, spoofing will be banned for life.

    8. Use of bugs, gaps in the game, the gaps on the internet for their own benefit and not to inform the Administration threatens delete account !!!

    9. We are not responsible for stolen Items (if you give them to improve someone's vipie you incur responsibility for it). Items which also will be the data in the trade will not be returned, but if the theft was obvious and we find it in the logs can ask only those Items that are not leaked to the server and which we are able to locate. Thief will be banned.

    10. The administration has the right to make changes in the rules, and server settings, without prior notification to the players. Please keep an eye on your own regulations.

    11. The administration does not mention quest items acquired in WebShop. Be careful what you take. If you made a mistake you a lesson for the future.

    12. It is recommended to consider about your account and above all not to share with anyone his password. If you give someone your password at the same time you give him all rights to this account. Complaints of alleged thefts in such situation not be judge.

    13. Regulations come into force on the day 26.11.2012r.

    14. Accounts on a server belong to the server administration !!! at any time we have the right to change you password in order to check your account. Password of course you will be able to recover after contact us via email: The administration in this case must verify that the account on which the password should be changed to the person that you send an email. To this end, you may ask a few questions regarding your account. After verifying the correct account will be unbanned. If the administration does not detect there any regularities has the right to block an account ruthlessly for lifetime.

    15. Each player is responsible for his own account (game, forum, teamspeak) and all action taken on that same account security (difficult passwords, logins ...), behavior and culture on the server, etc.). If the account terms and conditions will be broken you are held accountable will be the owner of the account.

    16. Using Guardian Patch, and other add-ons Client (patches changes the appearance, etc.) are not issued by the team of the War of Glory on the server is FORBIDDEN !!! Used result in permanent banning your account.

    17. At any time, there may be server failures, offs, breaks, etc. Admins will not return any profits, which at this time are lost. In the event of a failure for more than 48 hours after the start of the server will be extended by the time off VIPs.

    18. The administration server does not return the items, which disappear when scanning program to check dupe items. They disappear both original and copied, because we are not able to tell which ones is a copy! In addition, the person who gives the set knows this to what was used. Do not borrow it nothing ever happens, we will not tolerate this. There will be no possibility of return items, which disappear!

    19. The administration has the right to delete items (even if they have been sold in the game, will not be given away none claim to the person who has bought the item), if there any inaccuracies resulting from the payment.

    20. Administration is not liable for any losses caused by the bugs (losing items, characters , deposits, etc.). Such bugs will be as soon as possible reported to the firm coding files server. We have no influence on the term improvement.

    21. Off-Trade (works on the map DEVIAS only Sub PVP) - if you take a shop, which will be inconsistent with the truth (eg title catalog sales for zen), that person receives 100% warn, resulting in a lifetime account lockout.


    4. Terms Donate:

    1. All payments to the server are conscious and voluntary. Before making the payment, we should think about it, the money will not be returned. If you submit any donation or payment using our websites, you agree that at under any circumstances you will not dispute, ask for a partial and/or full refund. Buyer shall have 14 days to return the goods provided with the purchased digital goods and virtual will not be used. You should inform us by e-mail.

    2. The payment (credits) for the bank transfer , paypal, PayU, PaymentWall, HotPay system will not be devote if res acc for the next edition. We back credits 30 days

    3. If the ban / block form or account by breaking the rules , money will not be returned , and any benefits that arose from the donation removed. If Account Lockout / form if your account is active VIP. VIP time will not be prolonged by the time the lock !!

    4. The server at any time may cease to exist , of payment for transfers , Paypal, PayU, PaymentWall and sms will not be returned.

    5. The payment (credits) for the bank transfer , paypal, PayU, PaymentWall, HotPay system will be devote if res acc / wipe database for the next edition if the payment has been made 30 days from the end of the edition .

    6. We not back credits buy for SMS (paymentwall).

    7. Paypal Donate: Digital products!

    We do not issue refunds for digital products once the order is submitted.

    We recommend contacting us for assistance if you experience any issues receiving or using our products.






    5. Table penalties :

    Table punishment is located on the server forum in the rules of penalties at:

    WARNING !!! Any attempts to circumvent the server , use, cheat , boosters will end with lifetime account lockout .

    Prohibition of copying and dissemination of regulations without permission. 

    MU Online is a growing community and it is our goal to establish a friendly, helpful and enjoyable community. In order to make sure that above mentioned aspects are guaranteed, there are some boundaries set which are in form of Rules and Regulations.

    Furthermore, as these rules apply to specific instances of misconduct, we reserve the right to modify existing or add new rules at our discretion without notice (and without placing them in this list) in order to handle any variation of offenses. We also reserve the right to refuse or cancel the service of any user at any time.

    By registering an account on our server you agree the following rules with all the terms and conditions and will abide by them. You agree that you are personally responsible for the consequences that may result if you break these rules.




    1. In general before posting a new thread it is highly recommended to use the search options. Make sure that your question or issue is not in the results.

    2. MUOnline has ZERO tolerance for harassing other community members.

    3. If you have a problem with someone, other than a reportable issue (e.g. Hacking), message that person and carry on a private discussion. Also, if someone has engaged in behavior that is a detriment to the message board: spamming, flaming people, advertising, contact one of the forum moderators.

    4. Multiple or repeated posting in order to increase your post count is not allowed.

    5. Advertising, spamming and trolling is not allowed. This includes using the forum, email, visitor messages, blog comments, picture comments and private message systems to spam other members.

    6. If you are going to post non-English on these forums, please also post an English Translation of your post.

    7. Do not Bash any staff member, differentiate between a discussion i.e. criticism and flaming / bashing.

    8. Please refrain from posting meaningless threads, one word (or short) non-sense posts, or the such.

    9. Do not Bump your own posts by useless comments!

    10. Do not Comment off-topic on a thread i.e. a post which does not contribute to the discussion.

    11. Do not Argue with Staff if you disagree on a certain topic send them a private message.

    12. Do not Bash other community members.

    13. Porn, gross stuff, or anything else not safe for work.

    14. Piracy, warez.

    15. Cheating, hacking, game exploits.

    16. Leaked content.

    17. Posting copyrighted material such as magazine scans.

    18. Soliciting, auctioning, selling, advertising, referrals.

    19. Racism, discrimination.

    20. Drugs, alcohol.

    21. Religious, political, and other related threads.

    22. Administrators/Moderators reserve the right to move, change, or delete any content at any time if they feel it is inappropriate or unsuitable, also depending on the type of rules broken and the number of warnings you already have, we decide the length of any forum account ban.

    23. Although the administrators and moderators of MU Online Community Forum will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, the staff / moderators will not be held responsible for the content of any message.

    24. By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violate of any laws.




    Like any community needs some rules and regulations since human kind exists, MU Online also has few rules in order to keep the healthy gaming atmosphere and a fair treatment of every one who is member of this community. By signing up an account on MU Online you agree to following listed specified rules.

    1. Using Hacks: Hacking is against the rules and will be punished by a permanent ban immediately without a warning. MU Online does not tolerate any kind of usage of programs, software in order to get unfair advantage over other players.

    2. Bug exploits: If you are aware of any bug, you are highly recommended to report it to a staff member. You can use in game ticket feature or report it on the forums. Abuse of any kind of exploits will be punished on sight.

    3. Cheats: Cheating is defined as any attempt to give yourself an advantage over other players. Though cheating is a subjective definition, we reserve the right to define a cheater per situation depending on the offense committed by that player.

    4. Account sharing: It is in the policies of MU Online that you are not allowed to sell an account or character to a third person. Keep your connection informations to yourself. If you share or trade an account Staff won't help you in any problems! MU Online staff won't help you to get account back. MU Online staff will never ask you for your account informations i.e. password. Violators will be punished by a ban.

    5. Begging for items / Scamming / Cheating GM / Staff: MU Online Staff members are experienced, honest and friendly. Donot even try to scam, beg for items, black mail or any other kind of method to get free items, tokens, help which is unfair. That means receiving items or having the benefits of any other in-game features from possible abusing staff members. Your account may be suspended for this, depending on case. This is to be decided by staff.

    6. No abusive conduct: You do not need to like another player, but you will be respectful towards them. You may not use any unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, sexist, vulgar, obscene, hateful, racial, anti-religious, anti-ethnic, anti-gay or otherwise objectionable language toward any other player or staff member. This includes trolling, griefing and spamming. Furthermore, do not name any guilds or characters that are based on the above stipulations.

    7. No posing as a staff member: Characters or guilds imitating staff will result in immediate deletion and a lifetime ban.

    8. Farming: Farming honor / arena / badges / tokens etc. using alts / multibox / friends is against the rules of MU Online and will be punished.We take this matter very seriously. Violators will suffer deletion of the characters that are on the same realms as the one they have farmed on.

    9. Ticket system & In-game Support: All MU Online GMs are freely volunteering their time to help players as best they can. Also, search our forums to see if your issue is already known. If you're sure your ticket is applicable, be respectful, brief, and to-the-point with the issue you are having. Tickets that do not follow these guidelines are subject to immediate deletion without a response.

    10. Advertisement: Advertisement is an offense that is always met with an instant ban. You may not market, promote or advertise any other servers or commercial products, or make any other form of solicitation on MU Online. This includes unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, sexist, vulgar, obscene, hateful, racial, anti-religious, anti-ethnic, anti-gay or any other porn links.

    11. Creating Drama and Accusing People: Don't accuse someone of being ninja, accuse a staff of power abuse etc. If you see someone who try to ninja looting or GM who abuse power than use Report Forum. Don't cry on world channel and don't make tickets in game about this. We have forum for report players and GMs.



    Definitions and Interpretations

    1. Donation: Please take a moment to review these rules detailed below. If you agree with them, then you may proceed with entering the website. No one from any Gaming companies, associated with any Gaming companies or any such affiliated company or its Related to any Game companies is permitted to enter these web sites or view any content contained within these sites at any time what so ever due to controversial reasons. You agree to give up all legal rights towards MU Online when Donating. \"User\" or \"Users\" means any third party that accesses the web site and is not employed by MU Online and acting in the course of their employment.

    2. Refunds: We will not provide refunds under any circumstances. VIP Membership is voluntary, and if a user does not wish to be a member, he should not seek entry. If you are banned due to violation of our player rules, you will not get a refund. If you do not like the service, you will not get a refund. If you unexpectedly did not receive your certificate, and don't have any proof of your donation, you will not get a refund. You may appeal your case regarding your donation on the forums in the VIP Issues section, and we will review your case. It's not required for you to make a donation to enjoy the full experience of MU Online it's completely optional and is done at your own risk.

    3. Exchange: If you for any reason have store item(s) damaged, broken, lost, etc. you may not receive an exchange or replacement even if you have proof of your donation. Only a member of Management has the authority to replace your reward item if they feel the receipt you've presented is authentic.

    4. Lost items and characters: Due to a lot of scams, MU Online is not responsible for lost items, characters etc. Only you are responsible for safety of your items, characters etc. Remember never share your account information with other users.

    5. Charge Backs: Any attempts to reverse donation will be met with an automatic and immediate permanent ban. All accounts tied to this IP address will be permanently banned. Our accounting team always contests each and every charge back and has a high success rate. If this fails, charge backs are routinely sent to a third-party collections agency, and the buyer's credit history will be affected if the charge is not paid for.

    Furthermore, as these rules apply to specific instances of misconduct, we reserve the right to modify existing or add new rules at our discretion without notice (and without placing them in this list) in order to handle any variation of offenses. We also reserve the right to refuse or cancel the service of any user at any time.



    Privacy Policy

    Polityka prywatnosci

    W związku ze zmianą przepisów dotyczących ochrony danych osobowych i rozpoczęciem stosowania od dnia 25 maja 2018 roku Rozporządzenia Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przepływu takich danych oraz uchylenia dyrektywy 95/46/WE (ogólne rozporządzenie o ochronie danych) "RODO" informujemy, że: Zgodnie z art. 13 ust. 1 ogólnego rozporządzenia o ochronie danych osobowych z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r.:

    1) Administratorem Pani/Pana danych osobowych jest F.H.U. WOGNET Paweł Mikołajczyk, zwany dalej Administratorem, który prowadzi operacje przetwarzania Pani/Pana danych osobowych.

    2) Pani/Pana dane osobowe przetwarzane będą w celu zawarcia umowy o świadczenie usług.

    3) Pani/Pana dane osobowe będą przechowywane do końca okresu przedawnienia potencjalnych roszczeń z umowy.

    4) Pani/Pana dane osobowe nie będą udostępniane innym odbiorcom. Pani/Pana dane osobowe nie będą przekazywane do państwa trzeciego/organizacji międzynarodowej,

    5) Podanie danych jest dobrowolne

    6) Podanie danych jest niezbędne do zawarcia umowy, w przypadku niepodania danych niemożliwe jest zawarcie umowy.

    7) Posiada Pani/Pan prawo do:

    • żądania od Administratora dostępu do swoich danych osobowych, ich sprostowania, usunięcia lub ograniczenia przetwarzania danych osobowych,

    • przenoszenia danych,

    • wniesienia sprzeciwu,

    • wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego, gdy uzna Pani/Pan, iż przetwarzanie danych osobowych Pani/Pana dotyczących narusza przepisy ogólnego Rozporządzenia o ochronie danych osobowych z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r.,

    • cofnięcia zgody na przetwarzanie danych osobowych w dowolnym momencie bez wpływu na zgodność z prawem przetwarzania.

    8) Administrator dokłada wszelkich starań, aby zapewnić wszelkie środki fizycznej, technicznej i organizacyjnej ochrony danych osobowych przed ich przypadkowym czy umyślnym zniszczeniem, przypadkową utratą, zmianą, nieuprawnionym ujawnieniem, wykorzystaniem czy dostępem, zgodnie ze wszystkimi obowiązującymi przepisami

    9) Dane przetwarzane przez F.H.U WOGNET Paweł Mikołajczyk w ramach zawarcia umowy, skorzystania z usług strony to: adres email, adres IP, login, adres HWID

    Z wyrazami szacunku, Administrator Danych Osobowych Paweł Mikolajczyk

    Ochrona bezpieczenstwa i poufnosci Panstwa danych osobowych jest dla firmy F.H.U. 'WOGNET' Pawel Mikolajczyk kwestia priorytetowa, w zwiazku z czym prowadzimy dzialalnosc zgodnie z obowiazujacymi przepisami prawa. W niniejszym oswiadczeniu informujemy Panstwa o tym, jakie dane osobowe sa gromadzone przez firme F.H.U. 'WOGNET' Pawel Mikolajczyk w ramach jej ofert internetowych oraz w jaki sposob te dane sa przetwarzane i wykorzystywane.


    Gromadzenie danych

    Witryny internetowe naszej firmy nie sluza zbieraniu jakichkolwiek danych osobowych (np. imienia i nazwiska, adresu pocztowego, numeru telefonu, adresu e-mail) za wyjatkiem przypadkow, w ktorych Panstwo sami wyraza na to zgode (np. wypelniajac formularz kontaktowy, rejestracyjny), badz w ktorych pozwalaja na to przepisy dotyczace zbierania danych osobowych.

    Firma F.H.U. 'WOGNET' Pawel Mikolajczyk gromadzi dane osobowe zwiazane z uzytkowaniem jej serwisow, for, lub witryn tylko jesli jest to konieczne, np. do swiadczenia i rozliczania uslug, realizacji zamowien, reklamowania uslug itp.

    W przypadku serwisow w wiekszosci sytuacji mozliwe jest korzystanie z uslug oferowanych przez F.H.U. 'WOGNET' Pawel Mikolajczyk przy uzyciu pseudonimow. Ponadto na Naszym serwerze rejestrowane sa takie dane jak adres IP, typ przegladarki internetowej, rodzaj systemu operacyjnego, liczba odwiedzin oraz dane dostepowe (w tym adres e-mail czy adres Panstwa witryny internetowej). Wykorzystywane sa rowniez tzw. pliki cookies, czyli male pliki tekstowe wysylane do komputera internauty identyfikujace go w sposob potrzebny do uproszczenia lub umorzenia danej operacji. Cookies sa nieszkodliwe ani dla komputera ani dla jego uzytkownika i jego danych. W przypadku blokowania plikow cookies przez Panstwa przegladarki internetowe korzystanie z Naszej strony internetowej moze byc ze wzgledow technicznych ograniczone lub niemozliwe.

    Firma F.H.U. 'WOGNET' Pawel Mikolajczyk nie gromadzi w sposob swiadomy danych osobowych osob niepelnoletnich, nie nalegajac jednoczesnie, by uzyskaly wczesniej zgode rodzicow, o ile wymagaja tego stosowne przepisy. Dane osobowe osob niepelnoletnich moga byc wykorzystywane, badz ujawniane tylko w zakresie dopuszczalnym przez prawo, w celu uzyskania zgody rodzicow zgodnie z obowiazujacym prawem lub w celu ochrony dziecka.


    Przetwarzanie danych

    W naszych serwisach i witrynach internetowych nie przetwarzamy danych osobowych, o ktorych mowa w ustawie z dnia 29 sierpnia 1997r. o ochronie danych osobowych (tekst jedn. Dz.U. Nr 101 poz. 926 z 2002r.). F.H.U. 'WOGNET' Pawel Mikolajczyk przetwarza Panstwa dane osobowe na potrzeby uzasadnienia, wykonania oraz realizacji umownego stosunku korzystania z serwisow czy witryn, zawartego z F.H.U. 'WOGNET' Pawel Mikolajczyk, jak i na potrzeby realizacji platnosci, przy czym w przypadku ich realizacji przez firmy zewnetrzne F.H.U. 'WOGNET' Pawel Mikolajczyk nie ponosi odpowiedzialnosci za podane przez Panstwa dane.

    Panstwa dane sa oczywiscie wykorzystywane rowniez do komunikacji z Panstwem. Dotyczy to w szczegolnosci zapewnienia pomocy technicznej i wszelkiej innej, jak tez dostarczania niezbednych informacji, zwiazanych ze swiadczeniem uslug, na podstawie zawartej umowy. Panstwa dane moga zostac wykorzystane takze do informowania Panstwa za posrednictwem poczty elektronicznej, wiadomosci sms o nowosciach w naszej ofercie uslug, akcjach promocyjnych itp. W razie niecheci do otrzymywania takich informacji prosimy o kontakt pod adresem mailowym: [email protected] lub poprzez Pm na forum.

    W szczegolnych przypadkach moga Panstwo zostac poproszeni o wyrazenie zgody na przetwarzanie danych osobowych, co moze nastapic:

    w wypadku zlozenia reklamacji;

    w celu jednoznacznego okreslenia osoby korzystajacej z danego konta w grze on-line, MU Online War Of Glory;


    Przekazywanie danych

    Panstwa dane sa przetwarzane przez F.H.U. 'WOGNET' Pawel Mikolajczyk w sposob scisle poufny i nie sa przekazywane ani odsprzedawane innym firmom czy osobom trzecim. Wyjatkiem sa tutaj podmioty wspolpracujace z F.H.U. 'WOGNET' Pawel Mikolajczyk w zakresie realizacji platnosci (banki,,, , , , , , , operatorzy sieci komorkowych), zajmujace sie tworzeniem i analiza statystyk na potrzeby naszych serwisow, uslugodawcy IT (firmy hostingowe czy administrujace bazami danych). Uslugodawcy Ci sa zobowiazani do postepowania z Panstwa danymi w zgodzie z niniejsza polityka prywatnosci oraz odpowiednimi regulacjami prawnymi dotyczacymi ochrony danych.

    W szczegolnych przypadkach firma F.H.U. 'WOGNET' Pawel Mikolajczyk moze byc ustawowo zobowiazana do przekazania Panstwa danych, np. organom rzadowym, sledczym lub sadowniczym, przy czym przekazanie danych odbywa sie tylko w ramach, jakich wymagaja podstawy prawne. F.H.U. 'WOGNET' Pawel Mikolajczyk moze takze ujawnic Panstwa dane, jesli bedzie to konieczne do postawienia aktu oskarzenia, badz przeprowadzenia obrony w procesie sadowym lub tez by zapobiec oszustwu lub innym nielegalnym dzialaniom, takim jak zamierzone ataki na nasze systemy teleinformatyczne.



    Panstwa dane sa zabezpieczane przez F.H.U. 'WOGNET' Pawel Mikolajczyk elektronicznie, technicznie, fizycznie, umownie i administracyjnie przed bezprawnym do nich dostepem i utrata na rozne sposoby. Firma F.H.U. 'WOGNET' Pawel Mikolajczyk przedsiewziela takze konieczne techniczne i organizacyjne srodki, aby zadbac o przestrzeganie przepisow dotyczacych ochrony danych zarowno wewnetrznie, jak tez przez zewnetrznych uslugodawcow.


    Usuwanie danych

    Jezeli Panstwa dane nie beda juz potrzebne do wskazanych powyzej celow, czy na potrzeby rozliczenia ze wzgledow podatkowych lub z innych przyczyn prawnych, zostana one przez F.H.U. 'WOGNET' Pawel Mikolajczyk usuniete. Panstwa dane osobowe moga rowniez zostac usuniete na Panstwa zadanie, o ile nie ma ku temu zadnych przeciwwskazan prawnych lub dane te nie sa jeszcze potrzebne do rozliczen zwiazanych ze swiadczonymi przez nas uslugami.


    Ciasteczka (cookies)

    Serwis nie zbiera w sposob automatyczny zadnych informacji, z wyjatkiem informacji zawartych w plikach cookies. Pliki cookies (tzw. 'ciasteczka') stanowia dane informatyczne, w szczegolnosci pliki tekstowe, ktore przechowywane sa w urzadzeniu koncowym Uzytkownika Serwisu i przeznaczone sa do korzystania ze stron internetowych Serwisu. Cookies zazwyczaj zawieraja nazwe strony internetowej, z ktorej pochodza, czas przechowywania ich na urzadzeniu koncowym oraz unikalny numer. Podmiotem zamieszczajacym na urzadzeniu koncowym Uzytkownika Serwisu pliki cookies oraz uzyskujacym do nich dostep jest operator Serwisu F.H.U 'WOGNET' Pawel Mikolajczyk


    Pliki cookies wykorzystywane sa w celu:

    - dostosowania zawartosci stron internetowych Serwisu do preferencji Uzytkownika oraz optymalizacji korzystania ze stron internetowych; w szczegolnosci pliki te pozwalaja rozpoznac urzadzenie Uzytkownika Serwisu i odpowiednio wyswietlic strone internetowa, dostosowana do jego indywidualnych potrzeb;

    - tworzenia statystyk, ktore pomagaja zrozumiec, w jaki sposob Uzytkownicy Serwisu korzystaja ze stron internetowych, co umozliwia ulepszanie ich struktury i zawartosci;

    - utrzymanie sesji Uzytkownika Serwisu (po zalogowaniu), dzieki ktorej Uzytkownik nie musi na kazdej podstronie Serwisu ponownie wpisywac loginu i hasla;

    W ramach Serwisu stosowane sa dwa zasadnicze rodzaje plikow cookies: 'sesyjne' (session cookies) oraz 'stale' (persistent cookies). Cookies 'sesyjne' sa plikami tymczasowymi, ktore przechowywane sa w urzadzeniu koncowym Uzytkownika do czasu wylogowania, opuszczenia strony internetowej lub wylaczenia oprogramowania (przegladarki internetowej). 'Stale' pliki cookies przechowywane sa w urzadzeniu koncowym Uzytkownika przez czas okreslony w parametrach plikow cookies lub do czasu ich usuniecia przez Uzytkownika. W ramach Serwisu stosowane sa nastepujace rodzaje plikow cookies:

    - 'niezbedne' pliki cookies, umozliwiajace korzystanie z uslug dostepnych w ramach Serwisu, np. uwierzytelniajace pliki cookies wykorzystywane do uslug wymagajacych uwierzytelniania w ramach Serwisu;

    - pliki cookies sluzace do zapewnienia bezpieczenstwa, np. wykorzystywane do wykrywania naduzyc w zakresie uwierzytelniania w ramach Serwisu;

    - 'wydajnosciowe' pliki cookies, umozliwiajace zbieranie informacji o sposobie korzystania ze stron internetowych Serwisu;

    - 'funkcjonalne' pliki cookies, umozliwiajace 'zapamietanie' wybranych przez Uzytkownika ustawien i personalizacje interfejsu Uzytkownika, np. w zakresie wybranego jezyka lub regionu, z ktorego pochodzi Uzytkownik, rozmiaru czcionki, wygladu strony internetowej itp.;

    - 'reklamowe' pliki cookies, umozliwiajace dostarczanie Uzytkownikom tresci reklamowych bardziej dostosowanych do ich zainteresowan.

    W wielu przypadkach oprogramowanie sluzace do przegladania stron internetowych (przegladarka internetowa) domyslnie dopuszcza przechowywanie plikow cookies w urzadzeniu koncowym Uzytkownika. Uzytkownicy Serwisu moga dokonac w kazdym czasie zmiany ustawien dotyczacych plikow cookies. Ustawienia te moga zostac zmienione w szczegolnosci w taki sposob, aby blokowac automatyczna obsluge plikow cookies w ustawieniach przegladarki internetowej badz informowaz o ich kazdorazowym zamieszczeniu w urzadzeniu Uzytkownika Serwisu. Szczegolowe informacje o mozliwosci i sposobach obslugi plikow cookies dostepne sa w ustawieniach oprogramowania (przegladarki internetowej).

    Operator Serwisu informuje, ze ograniczenia stosowania plikow cookies moga wplynac na niektore funkcjonalnosci dostepne na stronach internetowych Serwisu.

    Pliki cookies zamieszczane w urzadzeniu koncowym Uzytkownika Serwisu, wykorzystywane moga byc rowniez przez wspolpracujacych z operatorem Serwisu reklamodawcow oraz partnerow.

    Gdzie szukac pomocy ?

    Kompleksowe informacje dostepne sa w ustawieniach oprogramowania (przegladarki internetowej). Szczegoly dla osob korzystajacych z poszczegolnych przegladarek internetowych,

    Internet Explorer

    Mozilla Firefox





    Informacje dodatkowe

    Dodatkowe informacje na temat plikow cookies i innych technologii mozna znalezc pod adresem lub w sekcji Pomoc w menu przegladarki internetowej.

    Wglad i informacje o danych

    Administracja serwisu zastrzega sobie prawo do zmiany postanowien obowiazujacej polityki prywatnosci w dowolnym momencie, o czym poinformuje swoich uzytkownikow na tej stronie. Firma F.H.U. 'WOGNET' Pawel Mikolajczyk odpowiada na wszelkie rozsadne prosby o wglad do danych osobowych oraz skorygowanie, badz usuniecie ewentualnych niescislosci. Brak akceptacji postanowien niniejszej polityki prywatnosci zobowiazuje do niezwlocznego opuszczenia serwisu oraz .Pytania dotyczace niniejszego oswiadczenia i ochrony danych osobowych w firmie F.H.U. 'WOGNET' Pawel Mikolajczyk prosimy kierowac na adres e-mail: [email protected]

    Powyzsza polityka prywatnosci obowiazuje od dnia 25 maja 2018r.

    War of Glory maintains this Privacy Statement (“Statement”) that summarizes our policies and processes for protecting the privacy of all personal information gathered from customers, prospective customers, and visitors to our website(s) or who download War of Glory’s products and services, and when and how such information is collected, used, and safeguarded. This Statement also explains how anyone can review, update, correct, or delete their personal information and specify what information, if any, they would like to receive from War of Glory on an on-going basis.



    War of Glory is committed to ensuring your privacy and protecting the security of your personal information. This Policy covers the public War of Glory website (the "Website") and all online forms on the Website used to collect personal information. Please note that this Statement applies only to sites maintained by War of Glory or its affiliates, and not third party sites, whether linked to or from the Website. Moreover, this Policy does not only apply to information collected by War of Glory offline. In addition, this Policy does not apply to other entities that we do not own or control or persons that are not our employees, agents or within our control. By using the Website, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions of this Statement and that your use of the Website, including, downloads of any of War of Glory’s products and services, is subject to War of Glory’s Terms of Service. If you do not agree with any terms or conditions described in this Statement or the Terms of Service, please exit from the Website.


    Collecting Personal Information

    You can access our Website without providing us with any personal information. However, War of Glory may collect personal information in various locations on our Website as more particularly described below. Our primary goal in collecting the information described below is to provide you, the user, with a customized experience on our Website and to deliver better service, products, and more relevant content to our customers, prospective customers, and visitors.


    Personal Information We Collect

    Personal information may be collected from you during (a) the registration process, (b) promotional campaigns, (c) customer support and technical service requests, and/or (d) ordering of products and other services from the Website or from third party service providers. This information may include your name, address, phone number, e-mail address, birth date, occupation, gender, account ID, passwords, and/or payment and billing information. From time to time we may expand or change the information requested upon registration, so this may not be a complete list. We ask that you provide only your own personal information, not personal information concerning anyone else. Personal information may be collected by War of Glory and/or business partners such as co-sponsors.



    We use "Cookies", which are text files that are stored on your computer for operation purposes, and to collect data to analyze user patterns in order to improve the browsing experience of our website. Cookies are only read by the server that placed them, and are unable to execute any code or virus. Control and access of information from first party Cookies will not be shared with any other parties.

    Only non-personal information is stored and collected on an aggregated and anonymous basis from Cookies, and the use will be limited to one of below cases from our websites:

    1. To remember your settings and actions so that some of the entry fields or selections from our website can be automatically completed for your convenience.

    2. To gather anonymous statistics to analyze which videos were watched and/or which banner was clicked etc. to make our site more useful and interesting to our users.

    3. For website operation related purposes such as login authentication.

    The types of Cookies used in our website are:

    1. Session Cookies are used for login authentication purposes and will be automatically deleted from your hard drive after closing your browser.

    2. Persistent Cookies are used to remember your settings for predefined duration and will be automatically deleted from your hard drive upon expiry.

    There may be third party server networks to serve advertisements within or in connection with our websites. Third party companies can send their own cookies to your hard drive since your web browser must request such advertising banners from the third party network servers. However, we would only authorize third party servers to employ anonymous cookies for anonymous targeting. We would not permit a third party server to collect information about you. If you want to prevent a third party server and/or third party service provider from sending and reading cookies on your computer, you must visit each third party website and opt out.

    You may prevent the use of cookies by changing the related setting of your browser software. In this case, please note that some features (such as billing) of the Site may not function properly or may be slower. If you wish to prevent cookies from being installed or would like to delete individual cookies, please refer to the documentation of the browser software that you use.


    Log Files

    Like most Internet services, we may also use log files on the server side. The data held in log files includes your IP (Internet Protocol) address, browser type, e-mail application, Internet service provider, referring/exit Web pages, computer platform type, date/time stamp, and user activity (e.g., feature usage, user rankings, game statistics). War of Glory uses server log data to analyze trends, administer the services offered through the Website IP addresses are not tied to any personally identifiable information.

    The software enabling the Website has associated log and temporary files that are stored on War of Glory’s servers. These files store your account information, preference settings, system notifications as well as other data necessary to enable you to participate on the Website. Your information may also exist within regularly performed server backups.

    The foregoing information is collected on an aggregated and anonymous basis.


    Monitoring / Public Information

    When any game is updated or “patched”, our patch routine may check your computer to see that you have the most recent version of game-specific files; when you communicate within any game or any other communication feature within the game (e.g., live chat, instant message services and the like), even ”privately” to another person, you do so with the understanding that those communications go through our servers, can be monitored by us, you have no expectation of privacy in any of those communications and, accordingly, you expressly consent to monitoring of communications that you send and receive.

    You may also choose to disclose personal information in our online chat rooms, blogs, bulletin boards, and other public forums made available through the Website. Personal information you disclose in such public forums is public information, and there is no expectation of privacy or confidentiality. Please refer to the Terms of Service for additional information relating to the disclosure of personal information on public forums.


    Use of Personal Information

    Unless otherwise described elsewhere in this Statement, we will not disclose any personal information collected from customers, prospective customers, or visitors.


    Use by War of Glory

    We use the information you provide so that we may better understand the needs of our customers, prospective customers, and visitors. Specifically, we use your personal information for many purposes, including:

    to allow you to register to use our products and services;

    to ensure the continued smooth operation of our service;

    to analyze user characteristics and usage patterns in order to better understand how our products and service are used and market them more effectively;

    to communicate with you concerning your account or to send you newsletters, surveys, contest and sweepstake announcements, and information about our service or product offerings or the offerings of our business partners;

    to prevent or investigate actual or suspected fraud, hacking, infringement, or other misconduct involving our products and services, or this Website;

    to respond to inquiries, troubleshoot problems, investigate incidents, and handle complaints; and

    to develop new products and services.

    Sharing with Business Partners

    We generally do not sell or trade any personal information about our customers, prospects, or visitors to any third parties. We may share, however, aggregated demographic information with our business partners and advertisers. This is not linked to any personal information that can identify any individual person.

    We may also periodically engage in co-marketing activities, where we work with a complementary solution provider to launch a joint marketing program. In these situations, we will only send information to you on behalf of the other; we do not provide your personal information to such partner. We may also enter into business partnerships with other parties to provide specific services. If a user signs up for these services or responds to a particular marketing offer, we may share personal information such as your name or other contact information that is necessary for our business partner to provide these services or get in contact with you.

    Finally, in the event War of Glory combines with another company in the future through a corporate merger, sale, acquisition, liquidation or other similar process, your personal information may be transferred with the business or a part of it, or may be sold as an asset of the business. You consent to such a transfer in such an event where your personal information will be used for the same purpose and adequate security measures in respect of your personal information are in place.


    Storage of Personal Information and Security

    We take reasonable precaution to protect the personal information we collect from customers, prospective customers, and visitors. When users submit personal information via the Website, the information is housed in a secure in-house database. To prevent unauthorized access, loss, or misuse, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the appropriate use of information, we have put in place physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the personal information we maintain. War of Glory uses industry-standard technology, such as firewalls, in an effort to protect the confidentiality of your personal information. Moreover, we encrypt your transmission of sensitive information to us (e.g., account passwords and payment-related identifiable information) via SSL (secured socket layer) protocol in the interest of heightened privacy protection and information integrity.

    In addition, only employees who need the information to perform their duties are granted access to personally identifiable information. The unauthorized access or use of such information by an employee is prohibited and constitutes grounds for disciplinary action. Additionally, our information management systems are configured in such a way as to block or inhibit employees from accessing information that they have no authority to access.

    Furthermore, our trusted vendors and business partners are responsible for processing or handling some of the information that we receive. These vendors and business partners are not authorized to use such information for purposes beyond those specified by us and are required to preserve the confidentiality with which we treat such information.

    However, while we strive to protect your personal information, you should know that information sent over the Internet, whether by e-mail or by using one of our online forms, is not necessarily secure against interception. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for such interception and cannot guarantee the security of such information.


    Access, Update, Correct or Delete Personal Information

    You have a right to request access to any personal information that War of Glory holds in relation to you. You may also review, update, correct or delete your personal information collected by the Website. You may also correct factual inaccuracies. Certain types of personal information that is necessary to check eligibility, such as birth date or age, cannot be deleted, but may be modified with sufficient verification of the new information. Note that we reserve the right to terminate or delete any registration or promotional entry if we believe the personal information submitted was knowingly false or fraudulent. To access the personal information that War of Glory holds in relation to you or to review, update, correct or delete your personal information collected by the Website, please email [email protected].

    To have access to your personal information, you must provide proof of identification such as full name, address, user ID, and/or information about your recent activity on the Website. We reserve the right to deny access to any user if we believe there is a question about your identity. And if the burden or expense of providing access to your personal information is disproportionate to the risks to your privacy, or if the legitimate rights of others would be violated, we may decide not to provide access to such information. Moreover, we may still retain your information in our files to resolve disputes, enforce the Terms of Service, and for technical and legal requirements and constraints related to the Website. However, we will not use such personal information for any other purpose.


    Legal Disclaimer

    We may disclose personal information when required by law, regulation, court order, or in response to a subpoena or litigation discovery request.


    Notification of Changes

    If we decide to change our Statement, we will post those changes on our Statement page so you are aware of what personal information we collect from customers, prospective customers, and visitors to our Website, and when and how such information is collected, used and safeguarded. You are responsible for periodically checking our Website for changes to this Statement. If at any time we decide to use personal information in a manner different from that stated at the time it was collected, we will take commercially reasonable measures to obtain e-mail consent from you. You will have a choice as to whether or not we use your personal information in this different manner.


    No Guarantees

    While this Statement states our standards for maintenance of personal information and we will make efforts to meet them, we are not in a position to guarantee these standards. There may be factors beyond our control that may result in disclosure of personal information. As a consequence, we disclaim any warranties or representations relating to maintenance or nondisclosure of any personal information collected from customers, prospective customers, or visitors.


    Links to Third Party Websites

    Please be advised that the Website may contain certain hyperlinks to other websites. Although these websites may have privacy statements, all of these websites and their privacy statements are independent of our Website and this Statement. We are not responsible for compliance with other websites’ privacy statements or data collection practices. You should review these privacy statements carefully before providing personal information to these websites.


    Special Note to Parents

    If you become aware that your child has provided us with personal information at the Website, we invite you to notify us so that we may delete the information from our records and discontinue any related features or services. We also urge parents to instruct their children never to give out their real names, addresses or phone numbers without parental permission when using the Internet. We appreciate your cooperation in assisting us to provide a safe and enjoyable online experience for your children.


    Contact Us

    If you have any questions, complaints, or comments regarding this Statement, or have other questions or suggestions about our Website, please contact us via e-mail at [email protected].

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