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Treść opublikowana przez Glory

  1. SERVER STARTS : 21/02/2025 TIME: [UTC +1, 16.00 - UK] [UTC +2, 17.00 - Poland] [UTC +8, 23.00 - Philipines] [UTC +7, 22.00 - Vietnam] [UTC -3, 12.00 - Brazil/Argentina] [UTC -4, 11.00 - NY/USA] [UTC -5, 12.00 - Peru] ★Server name: DEMON-MU ★Version: Season 6 EP3 + CUSTOM ★Time work: 24/7 ★Dedicated server: YES ★Premium files: YES ★Custom xshop: YES ★Balanced characters: YES ★Link: IMPORTANT INFORMATION: GUIDES SYSTEM: CLICK HERE ★Max Normal Level: 400 ★Max Master Level: 300 ★Max Stats: 32767 ★Exp Normal: 800x ★Exp Master: 80x ★Drop: 40 % ★Jewel of Soul: 50 % + (25 % Luck) ★Jewel of Life: 70% ★Max lvl item: +15+28 ★Reset: Res 400 lvl in game (/reset) ! Maximum 70 Resets! ★Reset price: Free STAT BURN: NO ★Grand Reset: YES / 70RR / Bonus 700 WebCredits Stats Burn! 15000 Free Stats more every GR! ★CashShop: YES ★Mu Helper activation min. level: 50 lvl ★Ancient+Exe Option: disabled ★Socket+Exe Option: disabled ★Acc+Harmony Option: disabled ★Trade item with Harmony Option: Yes ★Guild: 180 lvl ★Characters level required: all from 1 lvl! +10: 70 % (25 % +Luck) +11: 65 % (25 % +Luck) +12: 60 % (25 % +Luck) +13: 55 % (25 % +Luck) +14: 50 % (25 % +Luck) +15: 45 % (25 % +Luck) ★Blood Castle: YES ★Devil Square: YES ★Chaos Castle: YES ★Illusion Temple: YES ★Doppelganger: YES ★Imperial Fort: YES ★White Wizard: YES ★Golden Invasion: YES ★Castle Siege: YES ★Balgass Event: YES ★Nightmare Event: YES ★Hatchery Event: YES ★Medusa: YES ★AUCTION SYSTEM: YES ★/post <Msg> - Post a message in global chat ★/addstr <points> - Add points in Strength ★/addagi <points> - Add points in Agility ★/addvit <points> - Add points in Vitality ★/addene <points> - Add points in Energy ★/addcmd <points> - Add points in Command ★/setparty <password> - Create a new password party ★/joinparty <password> - Join the password party ★/remaster - ReAdd Master Skill Tree ★/war <guild> - Challenge guild to Guild War ★/soccer <guild> - Challenge guild to Battle Soccer ★/top - Show Top Player /rr/mr ★/lock [password] - Block Items Move ★/unlock [password] - Disable Lock System ★/wh 0-2 - Change warehouse ★/reset - Reset character ★/readd - ReAdd stats ★/pkclear - Clear PK ★HOT! Added new wings 4 lvl, new NPC, new Boss Monster, pets and maps! ★Buff Information System (show % value buff and time remain) ★Custom Invastion: DEMON, EVOMON, ARAGOG, MORHOTH, CENTAUR, DIABLOS, BLOOD DEMON ★HOT! BANK JEWELS! ★Reconnect System! ★NEW CUSTOM QUESTS! ★NEW Wings of Power ★NEW EX700 SETS, WEAPONS, SHILEDS ★NEW PET: (GHOST HORSE, RED/GOLD HORN OF UNIRIA, SWEET PUMPKIN) ★ANTILAG BUILD IN CLIENT (F9) ★NEW CAMERA 3D ★Support wide-format resolution and full HD ★The exclusive bar of the character to work with new modules: -Player: Bar is showing player nickname, hp, sd -Monster: Full name of Monster; Monster level, defence, %HP ★DEMON Invasion: YES ★EVONOM Invasion: YES ★ARAGOG Invasion: YES ★MORGOTH Invasion: YES ★CENTAUR Invasion: YES ★DIABLOS Invasion: YES ★BLOOD DEMON Invasion: YES - GHOST HORSE, - RED/GOLD HORN OF UNIRIA - SWEET PUMPKIN - Jewel od Level - add +1 level to item - Jewel of Skill - add skill option to item - Jewel of Luck - add luck option to item - Jewel of Adicional - make item +28 jol option - Jewel of Socket - add +1 slot to socekt item - Jewel of Full - add full excellent option to item 5 Jewel of Elevation can exchange to Jewel of Full! If you have 5 Jewel of Elevation go to: Lorencia (137x140) Jewel of Full Mix NPC! This NPC automated exchange you: 5 Jewel of Elevation to 1 Jewel of Full! ★Mirror1: 1 MISSION: - Kill 100 Giant - FIND: 1x Apple REWARD: 30000000 zen 2 MISSION: - Kill 150 Stone Golem - FIND: 1x Jewel of Bless + 1x Jewel of Soul REWARD: Silver Key 3 MISSION: - Kill 250 Captain Grizzly - FIND: 1x Jewel of Creation + 1x Jewel of Chaos + 1x Jewel of Life REWARD: Small Wings (1 Day) 4 MISSION: - Kill 120 Gorgon - FIND: Legendary Helm+11+Luck REWARD: 1x Bundle Jewel of Bless+0 (10 Bless) 5 MISSION: - Kill 75 Lizard King - FIND: 1x Dark Side Parchement + 1x Scroll of Nova REWARD: Pet Panda (6 hours) 6 MISSION: - Kill 120 Hydra REWARD: 50 Wcoin 7 MISSION: - Kill 300 Ghost - FIND: 1x Lower Refining Stone Bundle+0 (10 LRS) REWARD: 1x Bundle Jewel of Soul+0 (10 Soul) 8 MISSION: - Kill 120 Zaikan - FIND: 1x Bundle Jewel of Bless+0 + 1x Bundle Jewel of Soul+0 REWARD: Red Uniria Pet 9 MISSION: - Kill 550 Zombie Fighter - FIND: 5 Talisman of Wings Box REWARD: Demon Pet (6 hours) 10 MISSION: - Kill 120 Death Beam Knight - FIND: 5x Remedy of Love REWARD: 100 Wcoin 11 MISSION: - Kill 300 Queen Rainier - FIND: 1x Lochs Feather REWARD: 1x Bundle of Soul+0 (10 Soul) + 1x Bundle of Bless+0 (10 Bless) 12 MISSION: - Kill 400 Iron Rider - FIND: 1x Bundle of Gemstone+0 (10 Gemstone) REWARD: Sweet Pumpkin Pet 13 MISSION: - Kill 120 Balrog - FIND: 1x Bundle of Creation+0 + 1x Bundle of Life+0 + 1x Bundle of Chaos+0 REWARD: 150Wcoin 14 MISSION: - Kill 300 Doppelganger Knight REWARD: Pet Panda (12 hours) 15 MISSION: - Kill 400 Kentauros - FIND: 1x Bundle of Harmony+0 (10 Harmony) REWARD: 200 Wcoin 16 MISSION: - Kill 30 Hell Maine - FIND: 1x Bundle of Soul+1 (20 Soul) + 1x Bundle of Bless+1 (20 Bless) REWARD: Ghost Horse (1 Day) 17 MISSION: - Kill 7x Selupan REWARD: Condor Feather 18 MISSION: - Kill 450 Gigantis - FIND: 1x Bundle of Gemstone+1 (20 Gemstone) REWARD: 1x Bundle of Soul+2 (30 Soul) 19 MISSION: - Kill 400 Berserker - FIND: 1x Bundle of Harmony+0 (10 Harmony) REWARD: 1x Bundle of Bless+2 (30 Bless) 20 MISSION: - Kill 1000 Persona REWARD: Broken Horn 21 MISSION: - Kill 10 Golden Budge Dragon - FIND: Kundun Staff+10+Luck REWARD: 200 Wcoin 22 MISSION: - Kill 10 Golden Goblin - FIND: 1x Bundle of Creation+2 (30 Creation) REWARD: Pet Panda (1 Day) 23 MISSION: - Kill 5 Kundun REWARD: Demon Pet (1 Day) 24 MISSION: - Kill 10 Golden Lizard King - FIND: 1x Bundle of Bless+1 (20 Bless) + 1x Bundle of Soul+1 (20 Soul) REWARD: 200 Wcoin 25 MISSION: - Kill 10 Golden Tantalos - FIND: 1x Bundle of Harmony+0 (10 Harmony) REWARD: Pet Panda (1 Day) 26 MISSION: - Kill 10 Golden Twin Tail REWARD: 200 Wcoin 27 MISSION: - Kill 10 Golden Iron Knight - FIND: 1x Fragment of Horn REWARD: 1x Bundle of Bless+2 (30 Bless) + 1x Bundle of Soul+2 (30 Soul) 28 MISSION: - Kill 10 Great Golden Dragon - FIND: 10x Lochs Feather REWARD: Gold Uniria Pet 29 MISSION: - Kill 60000 Iron Knight REWARD: 250 Wcoin 30 MISSION: - Kill 3 Medusa - FIND: 2x Bundle of Soul+2 (30 Soul) (Total: 60 Soul) + 2x Bundle of Bless+2 (30 Bless) (Total: 60 Bless) + 2x Bundle of Creation+2 (30 Creation) (Total: 60 Creation) + 2x Bundle of Chaos+2 (30 Chaos) (Total: 60 Chaos) + 2x Bundle of Life+2 (30 Life) (Total: 60 Life) REWARD: WINGS OF POWER +15 +L+ FULL ARAGOG INVASION LINK TO DESCRIPTION EVENT: CLICK HERE MORGOTH INVASION LINK TO DESCRIPTION EVENT: CLICK HERE
  2. WAR OF GLORY SERVER MUONLINE SERVER STARTS : 13.12.2024 TIME: [UTC +1, 17.00-Poland] [UTC +8, 00.00-Philipines] [UTC +7 23.00-Vietnam] [UTC -3 12.00-Argentina] [UTC -3 12.00-Brazil] ★Server name: WAR OF GLORY ★Version: Season 3 EP2 + CUSTOM ★Time work: 24/7 ★Dedicated server: YES ★Premium files: YES ★Custom xshop: YES ★Balanced characters: YES ★Link: MAIN PAGE EXPERIENCE TABLE: LEVEL EXPERIENCE: LEVEL: 1-200 : EXP=30% LEVEL: 201-400: EXP=100% BONUS EXP FOR GR: 1GR: LEVEL 201-400: EXP=101%2GR: LEVEL 201-400: EXP=102%3GR: LEVEL 201-400: EXP=103%4GR: LEVEL 201-400: EXP=104%5GR: LEVEL 201-400: EXP=105%6GR: LEVEL 201-400: EXP=106%7GR: LEVEL 201-400: EXP=107%8GR: LEVEL 201-400: EXP=108%9GR: LEVEL 201-400: EXP=109%10GR: LEVEL 201-400: EXP=110%11GR: LEVEL 201-400: EXP=111%12GR: LEVEL 201-400: EXP=112%13GR: LEVEL 201-400: EXP=113%14GR: LEVEL 201-400: EXP=114%15GR: LEVEL 201-400: EXP=115%16GR: LEVEL 201-400: EXP=116%17GR: LEVEL 201-400: EXP=117%18GR: LEVEL 201-400: EXP=118%19GR: LEVEL 201-400: EXP=119%20GR+: LEVEL 201-400: EXP=120% ★Max Normal Level: 400 ★Max Stats: 32767 ★Exp Normal: 500x ★Drop: 30% ★Jewel of Soul: 50% + (25% Luck) ★Jewel of Life: 60% ★Max lvl item: +15+28 ★Reset: Res 400 lvl in game ! Maximum 70 Resets! ★Reset price: Free STAT BURN: NO ★Grand Reset: YES / 70RR / Bonus 800 WebCredits BONUS STATS POINT: 15k * number_GR ★Webshop: NO ★CashShop: YES ★Mu Helper activation min. level: 50 lvl ★Ancient+Exe Option: disabled ★Socket+Exe Option: disabled ★Acc+Harmony Option: disabled ★Trade item with Harmony Option: Yes ★Guild: 180 lvl CHARACTER LEVEL CREATE: ★Dark Knight: 1 lvl ★Dark Wizzard: 1 lvl ★Elf: 1 lvl ★Summoner: 1 lvl ★Magic Gladiator: 1 lvl ★Dark Lord: 1 lvl +10: Normal: 75% / Vip: 85% +11: Normal: 70% / Vip: 80% +12: Normal: 65% / Vip: 75% +13: Normal: 60% / Vip: 70% +14: Normal: 55% / Vip: 65% +15: Normal: 50% / Vip: 60% ★Blood Castle: YES ★Devil Square: YES ★Chaos Castle: YES ★Illusion Temple: YES ★White Wizard: YES ★Golden Invasion: YES ★Castle Siege: YES ★Balgass Event: YES ★Nightmare Event: YES ★Drop Event: YES ★/post <Msg> - Post a message in global chat ★/addstr <points> - Add points in Strength ★/addagi <points> - Add points in Agility ★/addvit <points> - Add points in Vitality ★/addene <points> - Add points in Energy ★/addcmd <points> - Add points in Command ★/setparty <password> - Create a new password party ★/joinparty <password> - Join the password party ★/war <guild> - Challenge guild to Guild War ★/soccer <guild> - Challenge guild to Battle Soccer ★/top <type> - Show Top Player /rr/mr ★/lock [password] - Block Items Move ★/unlock [password] - Disable Lock System ★/wh <num> - Change warehouse ★/reset - Reset character ★/readd - ReAdd stats ★/pkclear - Clear PK NEW COMBO FOR MAGIC GLADIATOR! To activate combo skill you must use 3 skills! 1 Skill is skill weapons (Cyclone) 2-3 Skill (TS, Inferno, FS) CUSTOM QUEST SYSTEM COMPLETE 30 QUEST AND WIN MAXIMUS SET FULL! NEW SYSTEM MEGA / ULTRA / UBER / MASTER EVOLUTION ITEMS! MEGA EVOLUTIONS SET: (Lilium, Brave, Phantom, Divine, Hades, Ambition) - Mega and Ultra Evolutions Sets add more defence and enabled pink options to sets! - Ultra Sets give Bonus Passive Options +2% HP per item! - UBER Sets give Bonus Passive Options +4% HP per item and +150 Defence! - MASTER Sets give Bonus Passive Options +6% HP per item and +250 Defence!MEGA EVOLUTIONS WEAPONS: (Cyclone, Asura, Thunderbolt, Angelic Bow, Summon Spirit, Inberial) - Mega and Ultra Evolutions Weapons add more power to damage! - Ultra Weapons give Bonus Passive Options +3% Double DMG and 1% Triple DMG! - UBER Weapons give Bonus Passive Options +6% Double DMG and 1% Triple DMG! - MASTER Weapons give Bonus Passive Options +9% Double DMG and 1% Triple DMG AND 3% CRITICAL DAMAGE EXTRA!MEGA EVOLUTIONS SHIELD: (Crismon Glory, Light Lord, Dark Devil, Magic Knight, Ambition) - Mega and Ultra Evolutions Shield add more defence! - Ultra Shield give Bonus Passive Options +2% HP! - UBER Shield give Bonus Passive Options +4% HP! - MASTER Shield give Bonus Passive Options +6% HP and +100 Defence!MEGA EVOLUTIONS WING: ALL WINGS 3LVL! - Mega and Ultra Evolutions Wings add 5% more attack and defence, and boost options exe to 7% and 9%! - UBER Evolutions Wings add 3% more attack and defence! - MASTER Evolutions Wings add 3% more attack and defence! ALL MEGA ITEMS CAN EVOLVE TO ULTRA! (CHANGES RESKIN AND POWER!) ULTRA EVOLVE TO UBER! (CHANGES POWER AND BONUS OPTIONS, SET HAVE THUNDER EFFECT) NEW WINGS MASTER! Jewel of Full NPC If you have 5 Jewel of Elevation go to: Lorencia (137x140) Jewel of Full Mix NPC! This NPC automated exchange you: 5 Jewel of Elevation to 1 Jewel of Full! - Jewel od Level - Jewel of Skill - Jewel of Luck - Jewel of Adicional - Jewel of Full JEWEL FOR MEGA AND ULTRA EVOLUTION AND CUSTOM MIX ITEMS: UBER JEWEL AND ITEMS TO MIX : ★3D Camera and ANTILAG (F9,F10,F11) ★GAME SHOW NICKNAME OTHER PLAYERS! ★CUSTOM AUCTION IN GAME! ★CUSTOM QUEST SYSTEM ★Re-connect System ★OFFTRADE and OFF-HELPER ★NEW LUCKY WHEEL IN GAME! HOT! ★NEW MINI MAP! SHOW NPC, MONSTER ★NEW BUFF BAR - SHOW VALUE AND TIME ★PARTY BAR SHOW BUFFS! HOT! ★Chat separately from experience ★The glow effect on cards ★Support wide-format resolution and full HD ★Distance display objects ★Fixed all visual bugs with display of values above 65535 ★Fixed attack speed on all the article ★Smoothing textures ★The fog in the game (ON/OFF) ★The exclusive bar of the character to work with new modules: -Player: Bar is showing player hp, sd Information about amoung of health-points -Monster: Full name of Monster; Monster level Information about amoung of health-points DMN PREMIUM WEBSITE: ★Grand Resets Module ★Vip Module ★Hide Information Module ★Unstuck Character Module ★Exchange Module ★Change Password Module ★Account Logs Module ★Ticket System Module ★Market System ★DOWNLOAD AREA: CLICK HERE
  3. Raczej nie ma takiej mozliwosci, raczej chyba zadnego programu nie odpalisz jak jest taka blokada.
  4. Glory

    DS nagroda ?

    I think this boss is just an addition. It doesn't have to be there, it's such a bonus. On DS, you're mainly going for fast exp, and you can get a box at the same time.
  5. REGULAMIN KAR Zakładając skargę akceptujesz: Regulamin kar: Regulamin serwera i Polityka Prywatności: Tablica Kar: Nieznajomość regulaminu nie upoważnia cie do jego łamania. REGULAMIN SKARG: 1. Administracja ma nielimitowana ilość czasu na rozpatrzenie skargi od momentu wstawienia jej przez gracza. Administratorzy nie muszą posiadać Screen Shotow, żeby ukarać gracza !!! 2. Kary mogą nakładać Administratorzy oraz Game Masterzy. 3. Screeny ważne są tylko 24 godziny od ich zrobienia, screeny w jakikolwiek sposób edytowane przez składającego, będą odrzucane. 4. W skardze mogą się wypowiadać: Administracja serwera oraz Game Masterzy, poszkodowany oraz oskarżony. 5. Należy dostosować się o ogólnego wzoru składania skargi. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ogólny wzór składania Skarg: Nazwa Tematu: Rodzaj Przewinienia - NICK (osoby na która, składamy skargę). Poszkodowany: NICK (swojej postaci). Oskarżony: NICK (osoby, która złamała regulamin). Powód Skargi: (w zależności jaki punkt regulaminu został złamany). Screen Shot'y: 1. LINK lub MINATURKA. 2. LINK lub MINATURKA. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Każdy screen dołączony do skargi musi posiadać okno chatu rozwinięte na co najmniej 8 wersów. TABELA KAR: I. Rodzaje kar. 1% kary = blokada konta (30 minut) Jezeli ktoś otrzyma 20% wtedy automatycznie jest to przeliczane i kara wynosi 600 minut (20%). Po osiągnieciu 100% na koncie - dożywotnia blokada konta II. Odwołania od otrzymanej kary. Gracz ma prawo odwołać się od decyzji Game Mastera w sprawie nałożonej na niego kary. W tym celu musi posiadać twarde dowody oczyszczające go z postawionych mu zarzutów. Składanie odwołań w których gracz nie zamieści żadnych dowodów świadczących o jego niewinności, będzie skutkowało warnem forumowym (10%). Oskarżony ma 48 godzin na odwołanie się od decyzji administracji. Proszę pamiętać, aby podać informacje jakiego konta i kary (link do skargi) dotyczy odwołanie. Odwołania można zamieszczać pod tym adresem:łania/ III. Lista Przewinień i Kar. 1. Spam. Spamowanie, czyli wysyłanie niechcianych wiadomości, jest zabronione. Dotyczy również reklamowania stron www bez pisemnej zgody administracji oraz umieszczania linków referencyjnych do innych serwisów/gier. Kara od 5% do 100% warn. 2. Przekleństwa i wyzwiska (w każdy możliwy sposób czyt. /post, pm, itp). Nie dotyczy spraw guild i guild alliance. - kierowane bezpośrednio do innego gracza. Kara od 5% do 100% warn. - obraza rodziny (graczy i AT), wyzwiska w strone rodziców itp. Kara od 5% do 100% warn. - obraza zespołu War of Glory. Kara od 5% do 100% warn. 3. Niedozwolone nazwy postaci oraz gildii. Używanie wulgarnych, obraźliwych bądź nieetycznych nazw postaci oraz gildii jest zabronione. Kara 100% warn. Istnieje możliwość odblokowania konta po zobowiązaniu się poszkodowanego do usunięcia postaci lub gildii. 4. Używanie bugów. Świadome wykorzystywanie błędów w celu zyskania korzyści w grze jest zabronione. Kara 100% warn. 5. Używanie niedozwolonego oprogramowania czyt. hacki/cheaty wszelkiego rodzaju, ataki na serwer, dupowanie itp oraz wszelkiego rodzaju ogłoszenia sprzedaży tych programów, groźby zniszczenia, spowodowania szkód, używanie modyfikacji clienta, uzywanie innego clienta niz oficjalny. Kara 100% warn 6. Handel w rzeczywistości. Na serwerze War of Glory obowiązuje zakaz sprzedaży kont / itemów w zamian za korzyści majątkowe. Kara 100% warn. 7. Groźby odnoszące się do życia realnego. Wszelkie groźby kierowane pod adresem gracza/graczy dotyczące życia realnego są surowo zabronione. Kara od 5% do 100% warn. 8. Podszywanie się pod członka zespołu War of Glory. Podszywanie się pod któregokolwiek z członków Zespołu War of Glory w celu uzyskania własnych korzyści jest zabronione. Kara 100% warn. 9. Utrudnianie eventu. Umyślne utrudnianie przeprowadzenia eventu, pomimo ostrzeżeń GM, jest zabronione. Kara 5% do 100% warn oraz możliwa blokada konta na 24 godziny! (w zaleznosci od decyzji AT lub GMa), możliwe upomnienie. Zakaz kopiowania i rozpowszechniania regulaminu bez zgody autora. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COMPLAINTS REGULATIONS By inserting a complaint you agree to following terms: Complaits regulations: Server rules and Privacy Policy: Warn List: All members must follow all the rules and regulations implemented on our server. RULES OF COMPLAINTS: 1. The administration has unlimited time to process the complaint. 2. Final decisions about any type of penalty can be made only by Server Admins or Game Masters. 3. Screen shots are valid only for 24 hours and can't be edited by player in any way. Edited screens will be automaticly rejected. 4. In complaint topic can speak only: Administators, Game Masters, victim and accused player. 5. You need to follow the pattern of filing a complaint. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sample complaint: Topic: Type of offence and accused player character name. Your character name Accused player character name Accusation Screen shots 1.Link or thumbnail 2.Link or thumbnail --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. On each screen you have set chat window on at least 8 lines of text. TABLE OF PENALTIES: 1% penalty = account ban (30 minutes) If someone receives 20% then it is automatically recalculated and the penalty is 600 minutes (20%). After reaching 100% on the account - lifetime account ban APPEAL AGAINST JUDGEMENT. Player has right to appeal against penalty in 48 hours from judgement announcement Game Masters. To this end player must have hard evidence of his innocence. Appeal must contain character name and link to judgement topic. Appeals can be submitted here:łania/ LIST OF OFFENSES AND PENALTIES. 1. Spam. Spaming, pasting links on game chat, advertising of any MU Online servers, other games or web sites without permission from server Administration is prohibited. Penalty from 5% to 100% warn. 2.Vulgarisms and insults on game chat. (Not applicable on guild and alliance chat) - Against another player Penalty from 5% to 100% warn. - Family insult. Penalty from 5% to 100% warn. - Insult of server administration. Penalty from 5% to 100% warn. 3. Prohibited character or guild names. Use of vulgar, offensive or unethical character or guild names is forbidden. Penalty 100% warn. There is a posibility to unban account if player will agree to delete character or guild. 4. Use of bugs. Conscious use of bugs to gain benefits in game is forbidden. Penalty 100% warn. 5. Use of unauthorized software (Hacks, cheats, attacks on server, item duplication, modified client files) Penalty 100% warn 6. Trading accounts in real world. It is forbidden to sell accounts and items in return for financial gain. Penalty 100% warn. 7. Threats related to real world Any threats to other player regarding real life are strictly forbidden. Penalty from 5% to 100% warn. 8. Impersonating administration member. It is forbidden to impersonate any administration member to obtain your own benefit. Penalty 100% warn. 9.Obstructing an event. Obstructing an event despite GM warnings is porhibited. Penalty 20% warn or 24h account block. Copying and dristribution of this rules without author permission is prohibited.
  6. REGULAMIN KAR Zakładając skargę akceptujesz: Regulamin kar: Regulamin serwera i Polityka Prywatności: Tablica Kar: Nieznajomość regulaminu nie upoważnia cie do jego łamania. REGULAMIN SKARG: 1. Administracja ma nielimitowana ilość czasu na rozpatrzenie skargi od momentu wstawienia jej przez gracza. Administratorzy nie muszą posiadać Screen Shotow, żeby ukarać gracza !!! 2. Kary mogą nakładać Administratorzy oraz Game Masterzy. 3. Screeny ważne są tylko 24 godziny od ich zrobienia, screeny w jakikolwiek sposób edytowane przez składającego, będą odrzucane. 4. W skardze mogą się wypowiadać: Administracja serwera oraz Game Masterzy, poszkodowany oraz oskarżony. 5. Należy dostosować się o ogólnego wzoru składania skargi. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ogólny wzór składania Skarg: Nazwa Tematu: Rodzaj Przewinienia - NICK (osoby na która, składamy skargę). Poszkodowany: NICK (swojej postaci). Oskarżony: NICK (osoby, która złamała regulamin). Powód Skargi: (w zależności jaki punkt regulaminu został złamany). Screen Shot'y: 1. LINK lub MINATURKA. 2. LINK lub MINATURKA. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Każdy screen dołączony do skargi musi posiadać okno chatu rozwinięte na co najmniej 8 wersów. TABELA KAR: I. Rodzaje kar. 1% kary = blokada chatu (30 minut) Jezeli ktoś otrzyma 20% wtedy automatycznie jest to przeliczane i kara wynosi 600 minut (20%). Blokady Chatu dawane są na postacie natomiast % kary sumuje się na konto gracza. Przykład: Na koncie są 2 ukarane postacie: Noob1 = 10% , Noob2 = 15% = łączna kara dla konta to 25% Jeżeli otrzyma kolejne 10% w kolejnej skardze na tym koncie inna postacią suma będzie juz 35%. Kare dostaje się za dane przewinienie czyli w tym przypadku (10%) czyli 300 minut blokady. Po osiągnieciu 100% na koncie - dożywotnia blokada konta UWAGA! CZAS KARY SIE ZMNIEJSZA TYLKO JEZELI POSTAĆ JEST ONLINE W GRZE! II. Odwołania od otrzymanej kary. Gracz ma prawo odwołać się od decyzji Game Mastera w sprawie nałożonej na niego kary. W tym celu musi posiadać twarde dowody oczyszczające go z postawionych mu zarzutów. Składanie odwołań w których gracz nie zamieści żadnych dowodów świadczących o jego niewinności, będzie skutkowało warnem forumowym (10%). Oskarżony ma 48 godzin na odwołanie się od decyzji administracji. Proszę pamiętać, aby podać informacje jakiego konta i kary (link do skargi) dotyczy odwołanie. Odwołania można zamieszczać pod tym adresem: III. Lista Przewinień i Kar. 1. Spam. Spamowanie, czyli wysyłanie niechcianych wiadomości, jest zabronione. Dotyczy również reklamowania stron www bez pisemnej zgody administracji oraz umieszczania linków referencyjnych do innych serwisów/gier. Kara od 5% do 100% warn. 2. Przekleństwa i wyzwiska (w każdy możliwy sposób czyt. /post, pm, itp). Nie dotyczy spraw guild i guild alliance. - kierowane bezpośrednio do innego gracza. Kara od 5% do 100% warn. - obraza rodziny (graczy i AT), wyzwiska w strone rodziców itp. Kara od 5% do 100% warn. - obraza zespołu DemonMU. Kara od 5% do 100% warn. 3. Niedozwolone nazwy postaci oraz gildii. Używanie wulgarnych, obraźliwych bądź nieetycznych nazw postaci oraz gildii jest zabronione. Kara 100% warn. Istnieje możliwość odblokowania konta po zobowiązaniu się poszkodowanego do usunięcia postaci lub gildii. 4. Używanie bugów. Świadome wykorzystywanie błędów w celu zyskania korzyści w grze jest zabronione. Kara 100% warn. 5. Używanie niedozwolonego oprogramowania czyt. hacki/cheaty wszelkiego rodzaju, ataki na serwer, dupowanie itp oraz wszelkiego rodzaju ogłoszenia sprzedaży tych programów, groźby zniszczenia, spowodowania szkód, używanie modyfikacji clienta, uzywanie innego clienta niz oficjalny. Kara 100% warn 6. Handel w rzeczywistości. Na serwerze DemonMU obowiązuje zakaz sprzedaży kont / itemów w zamian za korzyści majątkowe. Kara 100% warn. 7. Groźby odnoszące się do życia realnego. Wszelkie groźby kierowane pod adresem gracza/graczy dotyczące życia realnego są surowo zabronione. Kara od 5% do 100% warn. 8. Podszywanie się pod członka zespołu DemonMU. Podszywanie się pod któregokolwiek z członków Zespołu DemonMU w celu uzyskania własnych korzyści jest zabronione. Kara 100% warn. 9. Utrudnianie eventu. Umyślne utrudnianie przeprowadzenia eventu, pomimo ostrzeżeń GM, jest zabronione. Kara 5% do 100% warn oraz możliwa blokada konta na 24 godziny! (w zaleznosci od decyzji AT lub GMa), możliwe upomnienie. 10. Chat Ban - na serwerze Administracja oraz Game Masterzy maja prawo nakladac kary w postaci chat bana za niekulturalne zachowanie, spamowanie, wyzwiska, obrazy, wulgaryzmy itp. Kara od 1 godziny do 48 godzin. W przypadku skrajnych wulgaryzmów czy obrażania innego gracza Administracja lub Game Masterzy mają prawo nałożyć karę od 1 do 48h chat bana z dodatkową blokada konta oraz warnem adekwatnym do czasu blokady. Zakaz kopiowania i rozpowszechniania regulaminu bez zgody autora. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COMPLAINTS REGULATIONS By inserting a complaint you agree to following terms: Complaits regulations: Server rules and Privacy Policy: Warn List: All members must follow all the rules and regulations implemented on our server. RULES OF COMPLAINTS: 1. The administration has unlimited time to process the complaint. 2. Final decisions about any type of penalty can be made only by Server Admins or Game Masters. 3. Screen shots are valid only for 24 hours and can't be edited by player in any way. Edited screens will be automaticly rejected. 4. In complaint topic can speak only: Administators, Game Masters, victim and accused player. 5. You need to follow the pattern of filing a complaint. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sample complaint: Topic: Type of offence and accused player character name. Your character name Accused player character name Accusation Screen shots 1.Link or thumbnail 2.Link or thumbnail --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. On each screen you have set chat window on at least 8 lines of text. TABLE OF PENALTIES: 1% penalty = chat ban (30 minutes) If someone receives 20% then it is automatically recalculated and the penalty is 600 minutes (20%). Chat bans are given to characters and % of the penalty is added to the player's account. Example: There are 2 punished characters on the account: Noob1 = 10% , Noob2 = 15% = the total penalty for the account is 25% If he receives another 10% in another complaint on this account, the sum will be already 35%. You get a penalty for a given offense, which in this case (10%), this situation 300 minutes of chat ban. After reaching 100% on the account - lifetime account ban ATTENTION! PENALTY TIME IS ONLY REDUCED IF THE CHARACTER IS ONLINE IN THE GAME! APPEAL AGAINST JUDGEMENT. Player has right to appeal against penalty in 48 hours from judgement announcement Game Masters. To this end player must have hard evidence of his innocence. Appeal must contain character name and link to judgement topic. Appeals can be submitted here: LIST OF OFFENSES AND PENALTIES. 1. Spam. Spaming, pasting links on game chat, advertising of any MU Online servers, other games or web sites without permission from server Administration is prohibited. Penalty from 5% to 100% warn. 2.Vulgarisms and insults on game chat. (Not applicable on guild and alliance chat) - Against another player Penalty from 5% to 100% warn. - Family insult. Penalty from 5% to 100% warn. - Insult of server administration. Penalty from 5% to 100% warn. 3. Prohibited character or guild names. Use of vulgar, offensive or unethical character or guild names is forbidden. Penalty 100% warn. There is a posibility to unban account if player will agree to delete character or guild. 4. Use of bugs. Conscious use of bugs to gain benefits in game is forbidden. Penalty 100% warn. 5. Use of unauthorized software (Hacks, cheats, attacks on server, item duplication, modified client files) Penalty 100% warn 6. Trading accounts in real world. It is forbidden to sell accounts and items in return for financial gain. Penalty 100% warn. 7. Threats related to real world Any threats to other player regarding real life are strictly forbidden. Penalty from 5% to 100% warn. 8. Impersonating administration member. It is forbidden to impersonate any administration member to obtain your own benefit. Penalty 100% warn. 9.Obstructing an event. Obstructing an event despite GM warnings is porhibited. Penalty 20% warn or 24h account block. 10. Chat Ban – Administration and game masters can use chat ban in case of non cultural player behavior or any type of breaking server rules. ChatBan 1 hours to 48 hours. In case of extreme situation GM's can punish player with chatban a penalty from 1h to 48h chat ban with an additional account ban and a warning adequate to the time of the ban. Copying and dristribution of this rules without author permission is prohibited.
  7. Ranking Castle Siege - End Edition 07/06/2023
  8. Ranking Character - End Edition 07/06/2023 TOP 1: 4000 CRD TOP 2: 3500 CRD TOP 3: 3000 CRD TOP 4: 2500 CRD TOP 5: 2000 CRD
  9. CHANGELOG NEW EDITION WAR OF GLORY - CHANGELOG DATE 09/07/2023 11/06/2023 - Update Server to Latest Version - Changes experience to: 1000x - Increased drop to 60% - One more mobs on spots! - More drop exe items on spots - More invasion! more monsters! - Increased drop all items! (jewels, talisman box) - Added new camera 3d, anti-lag system, save zoom camera - Added new AH System - Added evolution Maximus set to Mega, Ultra and Uber! 12/06/2023 - Boost experience level 1-200 from 30 to 50% - Added to client new Antyhack system - Added to server new antyhack system - Changes reward for Grand Resets - Open Beta Test - Re-build old Launcher to work with new system - Added support Discord - Added spots to Uber Sub map: Lorencia, Noria, Devias, Dungeon, Elbeland, Atlans, LostTower - Changed on sub NoN (Arena, LostTower, Kalima7) auto move from 4 to 6 hours (00:00, 06:00, 12:00, 18:00) - Changed limited run client from 3 to 4 - Every GR you get 25k stats points to distribute (2GR=50k, 3GR 75k etc) - We testing new Anty-Afk system on Sub NoN. Players can check AFK other players! When no reply (5 minutes) automated move to Lorencia. To use command must have minimum 10RR! Command can use every 10 minutes! Command: /afk nickname and /noafk - Add one Golden Monster more from 3 to 4 every Invasion - Changes 1 and 10 Grand Reset Reward System. 1GR = Golden Fenrir, 10GR= 3x Uber Jewel - Changes required Guardian (1x Bundle Jewel of Guardian (30)) to Wings 3lvl exchange system. 13/06/2023 - Fixed Uber Shield bonus options - Fixed Uber Helms bonus options - Added to Box of Kundun +5 change to drop 380lvl items and evolution items! 14/06/2023 - Death King Invasion added to sub NoN_PvP every 12 hours (08:15, 20:15) - Selupan event added to sub NoN_pvP every 8 hours (PvP disabled) - Update Sub Vip description on guide - Ranking guild money disabled on this edition! We plan add other system in future. - Changed Reward in Quest System: Mission: 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29 15/06/2023 - Changed drop from starter ring 40lvl and 80lvl - Change class - new restriction for Guild Master and Alliance Master - Reduced Vip price - MuHelper work on 1 lvl - Added more maps to Guild buff bonus - Changed warn system - use /chatban 23/06/2023 - added new event Summon Scroll - added new items Summon Scroll Book - added do Golden Archer new MIX: CLICK HERE - added drop Condor Flame on Arena 29/06/2023 - Update AntyHack System - Fixed Error Checksum - Added Camera 3d (F10/F11) - Remove Matrix Plugin (Window Controler F7, Auto Attack F9 and Custom Name Window) We are waiting for a compatible version to add this plugin! You can remove these files from the client: - Checksum.premium - plugin.premium - WarOfGlory.dll - xController.ini 01/07/2023 - Fixed rare situation when main crash 06/07/2023 - Updated drop from: Helm Box, Armor Box, Helm Box, Gloves Box, Boots Box, Weapons/Shields Box - Updated drop from boss Archangel UPDATE 07/07/2023 - Added new Lucky Wheel number 7 (30 chaos) - Probably fixed 90% dc when warp to CW map and change sub Fix required new client or update files from Launcher! Fix is not required to play, but when you have new stable client must download! UPDATE 09/07/2023 - Fixed Disconnect when moving from maps - Fixed a system that generated delays in the main - Fixed what did not let open more than 2 windows
  10. LISTA ZMIAN: 14/05/2023 1. Zaktualizowano serwer i clienta do najnowszej wersji. 2. Dodano nowy Launcher wymagany do uruchomienia clienta. 3. Zmiana expa na 400x. 4. Wymagane resety do Grand Resa: 60! 700 Bonusowych Creditów. 5. Dodano Launchera jest wymagany do uruchomienia gry! 6. Maksymalna ilosc uruchomien clienta: 4 7. Zmiany w nagrodach za bonusowe GRy. Wiecej info w Guide na www. 8. Stary system respawnu Kunduna. 9. Dodany jeden wiecej Aragog na inwazje. 10. Dodano stary system inwazji Red i Blue Centaurow. 11. Przebudowany event King of MU. Wiecej informacji w Guide na www. 12. Dodatkowe punkty dla gildii za wygrany King of MU: 300 punktów! 13. Dodano system auto ataku, aby uruchomic nalezy uzyc ctrl+F9 14. Dodano zaawansowany antylag system oraz autopot (F7). 15. Dodano camere 3d (F10, F11). 16. Szansa na wyjęcie i nie spalenie seeda z itemu: 100%! CHANGELOG: 14/05/2023 1. Update server and client to latest version. 2. Added required to run client Launcher System. 3. Changed experience to 400x. 4. Required reset to GR = 60! 700 Credits Bonus. 5. Added Launcher - is required to start game! 6. Max client start: 4 7. Changed Grand Reset Bonus Reward. More info in guide. 8. Old system respawn Kundun. 9. One more Aragog on Invasion. 10. Add old system Red and Blue Centaur invasion. 11. Re-build event King of MU. More info in guide. 12. Bonus points for the guild for winning King of MU: 300 points! 13. Added auto attack system, use ctrl+F9 to launch 14. Added advanced anti-lag system and autopot (F7). 15. Added 3d camera (F10, F11). 16. Chance to remove and not burn a seed from an item: 100%! LISTA ZMIAN: 15/05/2023 1. Przebudowano PVP MG vs inne klasy. CHANGELOG: 15/05/2023 1. Re-build PVP MG vs other class. CHANGELOG: 19/05/2023 1. Przebudowano antyhack wbudowany w gameserver. 2. Wprowadzono kilka zmian w systemie questów. 3. Dodano do pobrania nowego clienta z 19/05/2023. 4. Przebudowano system kar, teraz otrzymuje sie blokade chatu! CLICK HERE 5. Dodano nowe opcje do antylaga (F7) 6. Znalezlismy bug na skila Fire Scream, bugowal on ataki innych postaci, zostal wyłączony. 7. Inwazja Kunduna na subie PvP co 3 godziny, na subie NoN co 4 godziny, na subie Vip co 2 godziny (czasy respawnu po zabiciu). 8. Lekko zwieszony exp na Devil Square oraz Blood Castle. CHANGELOG: 19/05/2023 1. Re-build antihack system build in gs. 2. A few changes in quest system. 3. Uplad New Full Client 19/05/2023 4. Re-build warning system, at the moment we use chatban! CLICK HERE 5. Added new options to antylag (F7). 6. We find bug and disable skill Fire Scream, bugged skills other characters. 7. Invasion Kundun on sub PvP every 3 hours, sub NoN every 4 hours, sub Vip every 2 hours (time respawn after kill). 8. Small boost ex on Devil Square and Blood Castle. LISTA ZMIAN: 24/05/2023 1. Zmniejszona wymagana ilosc mobow do zabicia w 14 quescie. CLICK HERE 2. Zmienione ceny oraz zasady wymian w exchange systemie: CLICK HERE CHANGELOG: 24/05/2023 1. Reduced required mobs to kill in quest 14. CLICK HERE 2. Changes price and exchange rules in exchange system: CLICK HERE GUIDE SYSTEM - UPDATED! PL: Ciągle pracujemy nad serwerem wiec lista zmian bedzie sie powiększać. Obecnie pracujemy nad poprawa balansu postaci oraz nowym systemem AH. ENG: We are still working on the server so the list of changes will be growing. We are currently working on improving the character balance and the new AH system. NEW SYSTEM GUILD MONEY REWARD!
  11. Ranking Character - End Edition 05/03/2023 TOP 1: 4000 CRD TOP 2: 3500 CRD TOP 3: 3000 CRD TOP 4: 2500 CRD TOP 5: 2000 CRD
  12. Ranking Castle Siege - End Edition 05/03/2023
  13. Glory

    ChangeLog 11.03.2023

    CHANGELOG NEW EDITION WAR OF GLORY - CHANGELOG DATE 11/03/2023 - Update Server to Latest Version - Added Pretection a few Items and jewels (drop on ground) - Added New Sub Server UBER - must have 2GR+ to join to this sub - Added New Items: Uber Jewel, Uber Talisman, Uber Stone, Uber Capsule - New UBER Evolution Item: CLICK - Add to Shield Ultra and Uber Passive options! - Changed Passive Options with Ultra Items - Added Passive Options to UBER Items - Uber Jewel can use on all ULTRA Items! - Added new NPC in Devias Uber sub to mix Uber Jewel - Uber SUB: (minimum 2GR to login to this sub) Uber Sub is Sub PVP! Have this same rules what have PvP sub! Remove all NPC, stay only shop and NPC to MIX UBER JEWEL! DEVIAS 214x59 Spots only on maps where drop element to mix Uber Jewel: Tarkan, Kanturu1&2, Raklion. Disabled all events, Boss Monster, Invasions. Disabled drop: Gemstone, Cherry Blossom Play-Box, Lucky Coin, Remedy of Love, Jewel of Guardian, Wings Box, Apple, Mega Feather, Mega Dark Weapons, Mega Dark Heart, Ultra Ice Weapons, Ultra Green Stone, Ultra Feather, Mega Feather, Mega Dark Weapons, Mega Dark Heart, Ultra Ice Weapons, Ultra Green Stone, Ultra Feather, Dragon Egg, Splinter of Armor, Bless of Guardian - Changed from 5k to 10k points after GR. - and much more 13/03/2023 - Enabled 1 alliance - Changed price in xshop (demon and guardian), price is less. - Enabled create all character from 1 lvl! - Fixed correctly show maximum members in guild (show 40, changed to 30). - Changed Lucky Whell Reward Time Pet: 3h change to 6h, 24h changed to 48h. - Upload new client and patch! Required to game! - Boost PvP DMG BM vs BM - Boost PvP DMG SM vs BM - Boost PvP DMG SM vs SM - Boost PvM Summoner skill Lighting Shock +20% - Added Ranking Guild Top3 - real money! - KING OF MU EVENT: At the moment is only one round (40 minutes). System is totaly rebuild, working on seconds. Event win guild who acccumulated more seconds! More info: 18/03/2023 - Add protection of stronger bosses against poison. - Fixed correct position shop and descriptions in map.
  14. CHANGELOG: 22/01/2023 - Change main exp to 300x / vip: 400x - Change master level experience to 150x / vip: 200x - Change main drop to 30% - Added Money Reward for TOP 3 guild! Minimum pool reward on this edition 400USD! - Added System GUILD MONEY REWARD! more info in poster and guide(build) - Maximum guild player change to 30 person - Remove alliance - Remove drop socket item from Arena1 and 2 map! - Remove drop Talisman of Wings Box from Arena 1 and 2 map! - Remove Webshop! - Remove Wings 3,5 lvl from XSHOP! - Remove Gold and Silver Key from XSHOP! - Remove Jewel of Full from XSHop, added Jewel of Elevation - Changed Combo delay - back settings to previous edition (1.1s) - Back PvP Ballance BM class from previous edition - Back in pvp skill BM from previous edition (RB,TS, DS, Destruction) - Remove experience system table (1-200 lvl = 50%)! - Remove experience system table boost (1GR-20GR)! - Changed reward for 15 GR Bonus System: Blue Tiger + Set Maximus+0+0+L+ 5 empty slot - Added Stats Burn after Grand Resets: 5000 free stats more every GR - Changed DMG and DEF Wings of Power to 92% and added for complete quest 200 points for guild! (to add points for guild please contact: messenger, discord, ticket system) - Changed time and drop invastion: Kundun, Aragog, Demon Invasion, Centaur Invasion, Evomon Invasion, Diablos Invasion, Morgoth, Medusa, Skeleton King, Erohim. More info soon in quide. - Sleep Skill time change to 15 seconds and add delay for this skill 3 seconds. - Remove drop ACC items in Land of Trial! (caused by GUILD MONEY REWARD system!) - Added 500 Guild Bonus Points to ranking for win Castle Siege (caused by GUILD MONEY REWARD system!) CHANGELOG: 23/01/2023 - Added 3 spots to LOT Map - Added drop to LOT Map Talisman of Wings Box - Added additional Item Required (1x Condor Feather + 3x Condor Flame) to Talisman of Wings NPC - Enable use Jewel of Full on Wings - Changes a few prize in XSHOP and changed maximum time buff to 7 days - Changes custom pet bonus experience (Guide System Updated) - Recoding Kundun event to Invasion Time Event! - Medusa Invasion only on sub PvP! - Update Guide System - Added to event timer Kundun Invasion - Prepare new client and patch to game! CHANGELOG: 24/01/2023 - Kalima 7 Map on all sub is map PVP! - Increased Bonus points after GR to 600 CREDITS! - Added new Guide: Medusa, Kundun, Top3 Guild - Changed time to kill Medusa to 15 minutes - Changed time to kill Kundun to 20 minutes - Elf Buffer max level working: 300lvl CHANGELOG: 25/01/2023 - Added new Guide: Silver and Gold box, 380 lvl items drop, Socket Items - Add Raklion event on sub NoN_PvP every 4 hours - Update Paypal System - Boost DMG Power Monster: Selupan, Medusa, Kundun, Erohim, Aragog, Death King, Diablos Boss, Maya Hand Right, Maya Hand Left, Nightmare - Fixed durability bug in xshop (rings and pendants) - 40% reduced value drop zen - Exp party normal and master fixed! (normal boost: 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% - 5 person no gold party, 15%, 20%, 25% - min 3 person to enable gold party, 5 person max 25% boost) CHANGELOG: 26/01/2023 - Reduced bonus experience on BC event - Reduced bonus experience on DG event - Increased chance to mix wings 2 and 3lvl with exe options to 40%! - Increased chance to mix 3lvl wings from 40 to 60%! - BC every 2h on all sub_server - CC every 2h on server PvP and Vip - DS every 2h on all sub_server - Kundun Invasion on sub Vip every 2 hours - Changed Top5 Players Reward Credits for Next Edition: Top1: 5000, Top2: 4000, Top3: 3000, Top4: 2000, Top5: 1500 - Added section Changelog to account panel on website - Update Guide: Kundun, Sub Vip, Sub NoN_PvP CHANGELOG: 29/01/2023 - Fixed PayU system - not added automatic credits 28/01/2023 - Fixed Decay skill a few boss monster - Disable Buff od Gladiator (generated a lot of fake duels) CHANGELOG: 31/01/2023 - Reset and Level required to GR: 60RR and 400 lvl - Max reset in game: 62RR (for max stats) - Bonus Credits for GR: 800 Credits - Bonus Stats for GR: 15k stats * number_GR CHANGELOG: 04/02/2023 - Small fix: Kundun Order Protection time changed from 10 to 5 seconds. CHANGELOG: 07/02/2023 - Enabled Options: Reset the player hit damage when he dies GUIDE SYSTEM is Updated! NEW SYSTEM GUILD MONEY REWARD!
  15. Glory

    ChangeLog 09.12.2022

    ChangeLog 09.12.2022 - Changed time access to Secret Map: 1 creation = 6 minutes - NEW EVENT KING OF MU! more info in guide on web! Win Karutan1 Access Map (drop ACC and JOG) for your guild! - Changed warp on Devias3 (required for King of MU Event) - Rebuild Guild Buff System: Work on map: Arena, Raklion, Secret Map, Karutan1 Person to activate: 3 - Changed Bonus Exp for GR: 1GR-4GR = 10% exp boost 5GR-9GR = 20% exp boost 10GR-14GR = 30% exp boost 15GR-19GR = 40% exp boost 20GR+ = 50% exp boost - Changed to 5k bonus free stats points after GR (5k * number_gr) - Disable Alliance Guild - Reduced Guild to maximum 30 person - Changed Power Dragons - Reduced DMG, DEF, HP and EXP - more info in guide on web - Chance to White Dragon changed to 5% - Small reduced drop Dragon Egg in Lost Tower map - Changed Power Blue Wolf - Boost DMG and DEF - more info in guide on web - Config Golden Fenrir to ~10% DMG and ~10% DEF small differences depend on character classes - Fixed correct name descriptions items - Fixed Survival Event - PvP cnahges: DL vs BM = small boost BM vs DL = small boost BM vs Elf = small boost - Boost Elf Buff to BM (Def 10%, DMG 15%) - Configuration Christmas Event! Win Christmas Fenrir! Event start: 21/12/2021 5PM (17:00) - 02/01/2023 7AM (07:00) - We changed the amount of credit via paypal to the current euro exchange rate - Other small fixed bugs (fix update)
  16. Ranking Character - End Edition 30/11/2022 TOP 1: 4000 CRD TOP 2: 3500 CRD TOP 3: 3000 CRD TOP 4: 2500 CRD TOP 5: 2000 CRD
  17. Ranking Castle Siege - End Edition 30/11/2022
  18. Glory

    ChangeLog 24.10.2022

    CHANGELOG: 24/10/2022 - Changed Combo delay - Nerfed BM vs all class - Nerfed in pvp skill BM (RB,TS, DS, Destruction) - Changed Morgoth day attack and drop - more info in guide - Changed Skeleton King and Selupan - boost dmg and hp - Changed exp 1-200 lvl from 30% to 50% - Remove stats burn after Grand Resets - Changed DMG and DEF Wings of Power to 90% - Changed max run client to 3 - Block use combo and shield skill on custom pet - Boost Golden Fenrir dmg and def to ~15% - Changed a few Quest in Quest System - more info in guide - Added to Xshop skills for Wcoin - Webshop is enabled 04.11.2022 5PM (one week after start) - Wings Conqueror and Angel and Devil enabled buy 04.11.2022 5PM - Invasion Demon and Evomon is enabled on start server 28.11.2022 5PM - Fixed visual in skill tree % value Rage Fighter a few skills - Exchange System is rebuild, only can exchange full set (5 item or 4 on MG) not one items! - Drop items from Selupan Boss changed to 2 items - Configuration Halloween Event - more info soon - Upload new full client 25/10/2022
  19. Glory

    ChangeLog 07.09.2022

    LISTA ZMIAN NA NOWEJ EDYCJI WAR OF GLORY - DATA ZMIAN 07/09/2022 - Nowy rozbudowany Golden Archer (Nowe Mixy): (Evolution Book = 30 Lucky Coin + 30 Jewel of Bless) (Evolution Stone = 30 Lucky Coin + 30 Jewel of Soul) (Blue Wolf = 3x Red Wolf + Jewel of Full + Evolution Stone + Evolution Book) - Dodany drop Lucky Coinow od min 80+ lvl mobów - Ultra sety i bronie posiadaja opisy bonusowych opcji "Ultra Options" -Dodano nowe spoty na mapach: Devias, Atlans, LostTower, Tarkan, Kanturu (spoty sa oznaczone pod - TAB) - Dodano drop Lucky Coinow na wszystkie mapy (nie stackuja sie) (mozna ich uzyc tylko u Golden Archera) - Nowy Czas Eventow w grze - zmiana wizualna, podzielone sekcje eventów - Pralka pokazuje prawidłowe % prania! - Sekretna Mapa od tej chwili dostepna za Creationy! (1 Creation = 10 minut dostępu do mapy, przenosimy sie za pomoca NPC w Lorce) - Ranking na żywo na Castle Siege, ranking pvp, stamperow i czasu na koronie. - System Buffów dla gildii, kiedy znajduja sie obok 3 osoby dostajesz automatycznie Seal of Healing! (10% wiecej expa oraz 2% automatycznej regerenacji HP!) - Zmienione nagrody z Mega Reapera - dodane Jewele Mega Evolution - Dodany Historyczny Ranking na stronie. - Zmieniony do 1 sekundy czas na wylogowanie postaci oraz wyjscie do wyboru serwera - Dodany 1 Krokodyl wiecej na Inwazji z 2 na 3! - Limit uruchomionych clientów: 3! - Male zmiany w PvP: Elf, SM, SUM vs MG - Zmieniona kalkulacja punktow zycia z 5.8 na 6.0 (BM) (wiecej HP) - Goblin Punkty za zabijanie bossow: Skeleton King: 5 GP Kundun: 5 GP Erohim: 15GP Balgass: 30GP Nightmare: 20GP Selupan: 5 GP Medusa: 15 GP Golden Budge Dragon: 2 GP Golden Goblin: 2 GP Golden Soldier: 2 GP Golden Titan: 2 GP Golden Vepar: 2 GP Golden Dragon: 3 GP Golden Lizard King: 3 GP Golden Iron Wheel: 2 GP Golden Tantalos: 4 GP Mega Salamander: 8 GP Mega Knight: 8 GP Mega Reaper: 8 GP Crocodile: 3 GP Archangel Boss: 50 GP Golden Orc: 50 GP - Dodane nowe nagrody do Kunduna: Evolution Book and Evolution Stone - Exchange from Lucky Wheels Red Fenrir to Broken Horn Zmiana ceny na krecenie Luchy Wheelem 1 oraz 2 na 100 oraz 700 GP - Dodany Event Auto Drop w Lorencii (zasieg dropu to 10 kratek od kordow 145x127)(tylko na subie PvP): (Event o godzinie 19:00: itemy które dropią: 1x Evolution Book, 1x Evolution Stone, 3x Jewel of Guardian) - Naprawiony Exp Bar - pokazuje prawidłowe procenty
  20. Glory

    ChangeLog 07.09.2022

    CHANGELOG NEW EDITION WAR OF GLORY - CHANGELOG DATE 07/09/2022 - New Golden Archer Exchange Options: (Evolution Book = 30 Lucky Coin + 30 Jewel of Bless) (Evolution Stone = 30 Lucky Coin + 30 Jewel of Soul) (Blue Wolf = 3x Red Wolf + Jewel of Full + Evolution Stone + Evolution Book) - Lucky Coin drop from monsters min 80+ lvl - Ultra items and weapons have descriptions "Ultra Options" - New Spots on Lorencia, Devias, Atlans, LostTower, Tarkan, Kanturu (all pointed in map - TAB) - Added to drop Lucy Coin on all maps (no stack) (used only to Golden Archer) - New Event Timer in game - Chaos Machine show correctly % succes rate! - Secret Map at the moment is open for Creation! (1 Creation = 10 minutes access to map, move from NPC in Lorencia) - Live Ranking Castle Siege! PVP Killer, Stamper, Cron Time! - System Guild Buff when minimum 3 person is on this same place obtain Seal of Healing! (10% more experience and 2% auto HP recovery!) - Changed reward for Mega Reaper Invasion - added Jewels Mega Evolution - Added on website Historical Castle Siege Ranking! - Reduced Time Switch Character and Select Server from 5 to 1 seconds - Add 1 more Crocodile on Invasion from 2 to 3 monster - Limited Maximum Client Run to 3! - Small fix PvP: Elf, SM, SUM vs MG - Change Calculate HP Obtain points from 5.8 to 6.0 (BM) - Golbin Points for kill boss monster! Skeleton King: 5 GP Kundun: 5 GP Erohim: 15GP Balgass: 30GP Nightmare: 20GP Selupan: 5 GP Medusa: 15 GP Golden Budge Dragon: 2 GP Golden Goblin: 2 GP Golden Soldier: 2 GP Golden Titan: 2 GP Golden Vepar: 2 GP Golden Dragon: 3 GP Golden Lizard King: 3 GP Golden Iron Wheel: 2 GP Golden Tantalos: 4 GP Mega Salamander: 8 GP Mega Knight: 8 GP Mega Reaper: 8 GP Crocodile: 3 GP Archangel Boss: 50 GP Golden Orc: 50 GP - Added to drop from Kundun Evolution Book and Evolution Stone - Exchange from Lucky Wheels Red Fenrir to Broken Horn Change Prize Wheel 1 and 2 to 100 and 700 GP - Added Auto Drop Event on city Lorencia (drop is range 10 from cord 145x127)(only PvP Sub): (Time 7PM: drop 1x Evolution Book, 1x Evolution Stone, 3x Jewel of Guardian) - Experience Bar fixed - show in % value
  21. Glory

    ChangeLog 15.07.2022

    CHANGELOG 15/07/2022: - Remove burn stat system, back to normal no burn - Changes bonus points after GR - Remove stuck from pet (Red Tiger, Blue Tiger, Blue Wolf) - New Experience system: GUIDE - Bonus Experience System: 1GR=5% exp , 2GR=10% exp etc. (Max: 100%) - New GR Bonus Reward - NEW! Wheel of Fortune - Change cost Reset Gens on web to FREE! - Small fix in pvp (all class) Reduced time to changes gens to 24 hours!
  22. Ranking Castle Siege - October 2021 Edition
  23. Ranking Character - February 2022 Edition TOP 1: 4000 CRD TOP 2: 3500 CRD TOP 3: 3000 CRD TOP 4: 2500 CRD TOP 5: 2000 CRD
  24. CHANGELOG 11.05.2022 - Fixed Level Required for Wings - Boost Exp when have GR (5% more exp for GR) eqample: 1GR=5% boost, 5GR=25% boost, 10GR= 50% boost Maximum Boost is on 20GR=100% more exp! - Nerfed drop items to make invitation (bc, ds, it, k1-7) - Rebuild Combo MG (3 skills) (2 and 3 skill: TS, Inferno, FS) - Back BM Combo to default settings (3 skill combo) - Update server and client to latest version - Added to game Spinner Draw! HOT! - Added new Mini Map! - Config Combo Skill for BM and MG - Rebuild PvP BM and MG - Added New Buff Icon (show value and time working) - Added small icon buff to party bar! HOT! - Added to Ultra Weapons PASSIVE OPTIONS! 5% Double Damage and 1% Triple Damage! - Infinity Arror work on 1 lvl not required use skill! - Added RESET BUTTON (show requirements to reset) - Ultra Sets give Bonus Passive Options +3% HP per item! - Fixed soccer and guild war - Change guild war winner points to 20 GUIDES UPDATED!
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