Administrator Glory Opublikowano Środa o 15:44 Administrator Udostępnij Opublikowano Środa o 15:44 SERVER STARTS : 21/02/2025TIME: [UTC +1, 16.00 - UK] [UTC +2, 17.00 - Poland] [UTC +8, 23.00 - Philipines] [UTC +7, 22.00 - Vietnam] [UTC -3, 12.00 - Brazil/Argentina] [UTC -4, 11.00 - NY/USA] [UTC -5, 12.00 - Peru] ★Server name: DEMON-MU ★Version: Season 6 EP3 + CUSTOM ★Time work: 24/7 ★Dedicated server: YES ★Premium files: YES ★Custom xshop: YES ★Balanced characters: YES ★Link: https://demon-mu.comIMPORTANT INFORMATION:GUIDES SYSTEM: CLICK HERE ★Max Normal Level: 400 ★Max Master Level: 300 ★Max Stats: 32767 ★Exp Normal: 800x★Exp Master: 80x ★Drop: 40 % ★Jewel of Soul: 50 % + (25 % Luck) ★Jewel of Life: 70% ★Max lvl item: +15+28 ★Reset: Res 400 lvl in game (/reset) ! Maximum 70 Resets! ★Reset price: Free STAT BURN: NO ★Grand Reset: YES / 70RR / Bonus 700 WebCreditsStats Burn! 15000 Free Stats more every GR!★CashShop: YES ★Mu Helper activation min. level: 50 lvl ★Ancient+Exe Option: disabled ★Socket+Exe Option: disabled ★Acc+Harmony Option: disabled ★Trade item with Harmony Option: Yes ★Guild: 180 lvl ★Characters level required: all from 1 lvl! +10: 70 % (25 % +Luck) +11: 65 % (25 % +Luck) +12: 60 % (25 % +Luck) +13: 55 % (25 % +Luck) +14: 50 % (25 % +Luck) +15: 45 % (25 % +Luck) ★Blood Castle: YES ★Devil Square: YES ★Chaos Castle: YES ★Illusion Temple: YES ★Doppelganger: YES ★Imperial Fort: YES ★White Wizard: YES ★Golden Invasion: YES ★Castle Siege: YES ★Balgass Event: YES ★Nightmare Event: YES ★Hatchery Event: YES ★Medusa: YES★AUCTION SYSTEM: YES ★/post <Msg> - Post a message in global chat ★/addstr <points> - Add points in Strength ★/addagi <points> - Add points in Agility ★/addvit <points> - Add points in Vitality ★/addene <points> - Add points in Energy ★/addcmd <points> - Add points in Command ★/setparty <password> - Create a new password party ★/joinparty <password> - Join the password party ★/remaster - ReAdd Master Skill Tree ★/war <guild> - Challenge guild to Guild War ★/soccer <guild> - Challenge guild to Battle Soccer ★/top - Show Top Player /rr/mr ★/lock [password] - Block Items Move ★/unlock [password] - Disable Lock System ★/wh 0-2 - Change warehouse ★/reset - Reset character ★/readd - ReAdd stats ★/pkclear - Clear PK ★HOT! Added new wings 4 lvl, new NPC, new Boss Monster, pets and maps! ★Buff Information System (show % value buff and time remain) ★Custom Invastion: DEMON, EVOMON, ARAGOG, MORHOTH, CENTAUR, DIABLOS, BLOOD DEMON ★HOT! BANK JEWELS! ★Reconnect System! ★NEW CUSTOM QUESTS! ★NEW Wings of Power ★NEW EX700 SETS, WEAPONS, SHILEDS ★NEW PET: (GHOST HORSE, RED/GOLD HORN OF UNIRIA, SWEET PUMPKIN) ★ANTILAG BUILD IN CLIENT (F9) ★NEW CAMERA 3D ★Support wide-format resolution and full HD ★The exclusive bar of the character to work with new modules: -Player: Bar is showing player nickname, hp, sd -Monster: Full name of Monster; Monster level, defence, %HP ★DEMON Invasion: YES ★EVONOM Invasion: YES ★ARAGOG Invasion: YES ★MORGOTH Invasion: YES ★CENTAUR Invasion: YES ★DIABLOS Invasion: YES ★BLOOD DEMON Invasion: YES - GHOST HORSE, - RED/GOLD HORN OF UNIRIA - SWEET PUMPKIN - Jewel od Level - add +1 level to item- Jewel of Skill - add skill option to item- Jewel of Luck - add luck option to item- Jewel of Adicional - make item +28 jol option- Jewel of Socket - add +1 slot to socekt item- Jewel of Full - add full excellent option to item 5 Jewel of Elevation can exchange to Jewel of Full! If you have 5 Jewel of Elevation go to: Lorencia (137x140) Jewel of Full Mix NPC! This NPC automated exchange you: 5 Jewel of Elevation to 1 Jewel of Full! ★Mirror1: 1 MISSION: - Kill 100 Giant - FIND: 1x Apple REWARD: 30000000 zen 2 MISSION: - Kill 150 Stone Golem - FIND: 1x Jewel of Bless + 1x Jewel of Soul REWARD: Silver Key 3 MISSION: - Kill 250 Captain Grizzly - FIND: 1x Jewel of Creation + 1x Jewel of Chaos + 1x Jewel of Life REWARD: Small Wings (1 Day) 4 MISSION: - Kill 120 Gorgon - FIND: Legendary Helm+11+Luck REWARD: 1x Bundle Jewel of Bless+0 (10 Bless) 5 MISSION: - Kill 75 Lizard King - FIND: 1x Dark Side Parchement + 1x Scroll of Nova REWARD: Pet Panda (6 hours) 6 MISSION: - Kill 120 Hydra REWARD: 50 Wcoin 7 MISSION: - Kill 300 Ghost - FIND: 1x Lower Refining Stone Bundle+0 (10 LRS) REWARD: 1x Bundle Jewel of Soul+0 (10 Soul) 8 MISSION: - Kill 120 Zaikan - FIND: 1x Bundle Jewel of Bless+0 + 1x Bundle Jewel of Soul+0 REWARD: Red Uniria Pet 9 MISSION: - Kill 550 Zombie Fighter - FIND: 5 Talisman of Wings Box REWARD: Demon Pet (6 hours) 10 MISSION: - Kill 120 Death Beam Knight - FIND: 5x Remedy of Love REWARD: 100 Wcoin 11 MISSION: - Kill 300 Queen Rainier - FIND: 1x Lochs Feather REWARD: 1x Bundle of Soul+0 (10 Soul) + 1x Bundle of Bless+0 (10 Bless) 12 MISSION: - Kill 400 Iron Rider - FIND: 1x Bundle of Gemstone+0 (10 Gemstone) REWARD: Sweet Pumpkin Pet 13 MISSION: - Kill 120 Balrog - FIND: 1x Bundle of Creation+0 + 1x Bundle of Life+0 + 1x Bundle of Chaos+0 REWARD: 150Wcoin 14 MISSION: - Kill 300 Doppelganger Knight REWARD: Pet Panda (12 hours) 15 MISSION: - Kill 400 Kentauros - FIND: 1x Bundle of Harmony+0 (10 Harmony) REWARD: 200 Wcoin 16 MISSION: - Kill 30 Hell Maine - FIND: 1x Bundle of Soul+1 (20 Soul) + 1x Bundle of Bless+1 (20 Bless) REWARD: Ghost Horse (1 Day) 17 MISSION: - Kill 7x Selupan REWARD: Condor Feather 18 MISSION: - Kill 450 Gigantis - FIND: 1x Bundle of Gemstone+1 (20 Gemstone) REWARD: 1x Bundle of Soul+2 (30 Soul) 19 MISSION: - Kill 400 Berserker - FIND: 1x Bundle of Harmony+0 (10 Harmony) REWARD: 1x Bundle of Bless+2 (30 Bless) 20 MISSION: - Kill 1000 Persona REWARD: Broken Horn 21 MISSION: - Kill 10 Golden Budge Dragon - FIND: Kundun Staff+10+Luck REWARD: 200 Wcoin 22 MISSION: - Kill 10 Golden Goblin - FIND: 1x Bundle of Creation+2 (30 Creation) REWARD: Pet Panda (1 Day) 23 MISSION: - Kill 5 Kundun REWARD: Demon Pet (1 Day) 24 MISSION: - Kill 10 Golden Lizard King - FIND: 1x Bundle of Bless+1 (20 Bless) + 1x Bundle of Soul+1 (20 Soul) REWARD: 200 Wcoin 25 MISSION: - Kill 10 Golden Tantalos - FIND: 1x Bundle of Harmony+0 (10 Harmony) REWARD: Pet Panda (1 Day) 26 MISSION: - Kill 10 Golden Twin Tail REWARD: 200 Wcoin 27 MISSION: - Kill 10 Golden Iron Knight - FIND: 1x Fragment of Horn REWARD: 1x Bundle of Bless+2 (30 Bless) + 1x Bundle of Soul+2 (30 Soul) 28 MISSION: - Kill 10 Great Golden Dragon - FIND: 10x Lochs Feather REWARD: Gold Uniria Pet 29 MISSION: - Kill 60000 Iron Knight REWARD: 250 Wcoin 30 MISSION: - Kill 3 Medusa - FIND: 2x Bundle of Soul+2 (30 Soul) (Total: 60 Soul) + 2x Bundle of Bless+2 (30 Bless) (Total: 60 Bless) + 2x Bundle of Creation+2 (30 Creation) (Total: 60 Creation) + 2x Bundle of Chaos+2 (30 Chaos) (Total: 60 Chaos) + 2x Bundle of Life+2 (30 Life) (Total: 60 Life)REWARD: WINGS OF POWER +15 +L+ FULL ARAGOG INVASION LINK TO DESCRIPTION EVENT: CLICK HERE MORGOTH INVASION LINK TO DESCRIPTION EVENT: CLICK HERE Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
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