UPDATE 20/02/2025
- Remove Lahap (Lorencia, Noria and Devias)

- Enable command to pack/unpack jewels
/pack soul 10 - pack soul to bundle 10 (10,20,30)
/unpack soul 10 - unpack bundle jewel of soul 10 (10,20,30)

soul , bless , chaos , creation , life , guardian , gem , harmony, lowstone, highstone

- Changed price vip and xshop a few items
- Remove Aragog from LOT
- Remove Aragog from King of Mu reward Map
- Change mix formula 4 lvl wings
- Remove wings 5 lvl evolution
- Remove Guild reign from Arena
- Added max main run at the same time: 4
- Block Virtual Machine
- Add more FPS to game - max 60 fps
- Remove double spot and a few fix
- Remove sub non-pvp
- Tarkan and karutan1 is map non-pvp
- Reduced drop from Kundun to 2 acc (respawn time pvp and vip 3h)
- Added every 3 hours Aragog invasion 70% chance to drop acc, invasion is on map lorencia or noria
- Added new HUD Mana and HP can choose % and value
- Added new skill bar selector
- Erohim in LOT every 8 hours
- Remove draw from remedy of love
- Remove from draw panda ring
- Remove from Core Magriffy Item Relic of Wing drop only on Nars Map
- King of mu maps added 4 spots with more mobs(8)!
- Remove drop guardian from King of Mu maps
- Golden Archer exchanger: 30 remedy of love = 100WC
- Added more monsters to Kalima 7
- Increase level monsters respawn on map Nars and Arkania (140,142,144lvl)
- Vip status reduce experience to +25%
- Added visual window dmg boss monsters!
- All boss monsters added tophitdmg to winner!
- Remove pet panda from xshop
- Core Magriffy zone on vip sub is pvp zone
- Changed Core Magriffy respawn on all zone not one place
- Added to all sub command /afk and /noafk
- Happy Hour add +15% exp and 25% more drop Talisman of Wings Box
- Fixed defence skill
- Add experience formula 1-200lvl = 30% exp, 201-400 - 100% exp
- Add boost exp for GR: 1GR = 2% more exp, max is 20% bonus (10GR+)
- Max limit per day add item to Market (website) improve to 20!